I Am Happy Today Because . . .

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
Thursday driving home from work I was waiting at a red light, two young girls walked across the street in front of my car. One girl was wearing red high-top tennis shoes with big black ribbony laces and the other was wearing black high-top tennis shoes with big red ribbony laces, they were both wearing jeans and the one with red shoes wore a black t-shirt and the other in black shoes was wearing a red t-shirt. They were doing this weird walk, like sashaying into each other's footsteps with their arms linked at the elbow. They were giggling the whole time and that kind of made me happy. Kids are nuts and it's okay.

That would have made me happy too.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
My mom pitched a fit when the Disney cartoon of The Jungle Book came out in 1967, so I took her to see the live action remake for Mother's Day, very carefully concealing what movie we were to see until we arrived at the theater. I believe she was quite entertained.
How did you like it? I may go to that one with my son and his fiancee.

Patricia A

Jul 10, 2006
Puget Sound
I miss silky walking like that. Though once in a while I get away with doing it with my granddaughter. Sometimes people look at us weird, but she's to young to care, and I'm old enough to know I don't care.
It makes me happy to find out that walking like that has a name and it's called silky walking! How perfect of a thing to call it. Thank you. :love:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
I'd never heard it called that - silky walkin', but that's it exactly. You'll definitely find some random ****e if you try to google it for a picture.

I'm happy today because I finally got Internet in my room.

Look at the two new babies of our home

The white one was Rylai
The black one was Lina
Both renamed from My and My Brother's Hero in the online game DOTA 2

View attachment 15605
Those guys are adorable!!

My mom pitched a fit when the Disney cartoon of The Jungle Book came out in 1967, so I took her to see the live action remake for Mother's Day, very carefully concealing what movie we were to see until we arrived at the theater. I believe she was quite entertained.
What a great gift for your mom Cori! I bet she was thrilled!

I googled Liberia population.