
  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.

Nate's Mom

Active Member
Aug 3, 2017

My name is Erin, and I am mom to three kids, actually. My two daughters are 23 and 25 years old; my son Nate would have been 30 - if he hadn't been killed in a motorcycle accident last summer. I miss him terribly, and hope that by joining Nate's SKMB family will it will help me to feel closer to him. I have only read a handful of SK's books, but am currently reading the first book in The Dark Tower series, which has taken me all year to make it through. I want to know Nate's SK "world." I believe that "there are other worlds than this" (DT) and that Nate will be waiting for me "in The Clearing at the end of the path."

I will post more later.



The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

My name is Erin, and I am mom to three kids, actually. My two daughters are 23 and 25 years old; my son Nate would have been 30 - if he hadn't been killed in a motorcycle accident last summer. I miss him terribly, and hope that by joining Nate's SKMB family will it will help me to feel closer to him. I have only read a handful of SK's books, but am currently reading the first book in The Dark Tower series, which has taken me all year to make it through. I want to know Nate's SK "world." I believe that "there are other worlds than this" (DT) and that Nate will be waiting for me "in The Clearing at the end of the path."

I will post more later.

...Erin, you honor this Board by joining in....please do read the books and get to know the universe that Nate embraced.....he was my friend, and from me-that is high praise....he had a great heart and not a day goes by that I don't miss our 4th "Musketeer"....he, my wife Tracy, Deb13 and I formed a solid bond at the first Kon and we stayed together at each one since.....I know he rides peaceful roads from out of the clearing, and may I say that you did a great job bringing up an honorable man and a good son.....thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing him with me, and the rest of the family on this Board....
DSCN3490.JPG wife Tracy is taking the pic...I'm on the left and Deb is in the middle...her niece to Nate's left....IMG_0424.JPG ...this is beloved.....we are well met....

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas

My name is Erin, and I am mom to three kids, actually. My two daughters are 23 and 25 years old; my son Nate would have been 30 - if he hadn't been killed in a motorcycle accident last summer. I miss him terribly, and hope that by joining Nate's SKMB family will it will help me to feel closer to him. I have only read a handful of SK's books, but am currently reading the first book in The Dark Tower series, which has taken me all year to make it through. I want to know Nate's SK "world." I believe that "there are other worlds than this" (DT) and that Nate will be waiting for me "in The Clearing at the end of the path."

I will post more later.

Hello Erin! So happy you have joined us, we are all well met.

Nate was a nice, intelligent, funny guy. He is sorely missed here. I hope you can enjoy the community and the wide variety of personalities here.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013

My name is Erin, and I am mom to three kids, actually. My two daughters are 23 and 25 years old; my son Nate would have been 30 - if he hadn't been killed in a motorcycle accident last summer. I miss him terribly, and hope that by joining Nate's SKMB family will it will help me to feel closer to him. I have only read a handful of SK's books, but am currently reading the first book in The Dark Tower series, which has taken me all year to make it through. I want to know Nate's SK "world." I believe that "there are other worlds than this" (DT) and that Nate will be waiting for me "in The Clearing at the end of the path."

I will post more later.

Welcome, Erin. Nate was a dear, and is missed. You are family.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Nate's Mom

Hello Erin, it's really lovely to see that you've joined us. This month has probably been the hardest in a while, so I'm very glad you came along now. You're on my mind a lot.... and I'm really glad you've started on the DT journey, I need to pick them up too... work keeps getting in the way.

Sending you big hugs... lets try and get through this month, this is a wonderful community and I think they'll help you. xox ♥

Nate's Mom

Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Welcome, Erin! So sorry for what you and your family have been through, losing Nate. He was such a special, kind young man. We all miss him. I am happy you have found your way here. There is no place like it anywhere!

Thank you for your warm welcome. I appreciate your kinds about Nate. I'm looking forward to getting to know this family that my son was (is?) a part of.
Mar 12, 2010

My name is Erin, and I am mom to three kids, actually. My two daughters are 23 and 25 years old; my son Nate would have been 30 - if he hadn't been killed in a motorcycle accident last summer. I miss him terribly, and hope that by joining Nate's SKMB family will it will help me to feel closer to him. I have only read a handful of SK's books, but am currently reading the first book in The Dark Tower series, which has taken me all year to make it through. I want to know Nate's SK "world." I believe that "there are other worlds than this" (DT) and that Nate will be waiting for me "in The Clearing at the end of the path."

I will post more later.


That was a beautiful post :) it's hard to believe Nate has been gone for a year - he's still living in our thoughts. I'm glad you've joined us :)

Nate's Mom

Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
...Erin, you honor this Board by joining in....please do read the books and get to know the universe that Nate embraced.....he was my friend, and from me-that is high praise....he had a great heart and not a day goes by that I don't miss our 4th "Musketeer"....he, my wife Tracy, Deb13 and I formed a solid bond at the first Kon and we stayed together at each one since.....I know he rides peaceful roads from out of the clearing, and may I say that you did a great job bringing up an honorable man and a good son.....thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing him with me, and the rest of the family on this Board....
View attachment 22072 wife Tracy is taking the pic...I'm on the left and Deb is in the middle...her niece to Nate's left....View attachment 22073 ...this is beloved.....we are well met....


Thank you for such a warm welcome, your kind words, and for sharing your pics. These are great pics of you, Tracy, Deb13 and Nate! I look forward to getting know you and the other "Musketeers" - as well as Nate's other friends on the SKMB. I'm so glad to know Nate had you all in his life, and it seems that he was valued member of this Board, which does my heart good. I want to read his favorite SK novels, and to know more about this universe that Nate embraced.

What are you and Tracy's favorite SK books?


Nate's Mom

Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Hello Erin! So happy you have joined us, we are all well met.

Nate was a nice, intelligent, funny guy. He is sorely missed here. I hope you can enjoy the community and the wide variety of personalities here.

Dana Jean,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope to get to know Nate's friends on this message board. It seems that he was a valued member of the community and had forged some close friendships here. I look forward to getting to know his friends, and also this Universe he was a part of.



The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

Thank you for such a warm welcome, your kind words, and for sharing your pics. These are great pics of you, Tracy, Deb13 and Nate! I look forward to getting know you and the other "Musketeers" - as well as Nate's other friends on the SKMB. I'm so glad to know Nate had you all in his life, and it seems that he was valued member of this Board, which does my heart good. I want to read his favorite SK novels, and to know more about this universe that Nate embraced.

What are you and Tracy's favorite SK books?

.....Tracy lives this world vicariously through me....she likes to read, but never allows herself the time, or never has the time to read...I am a huge fan of novels like IT, The Stand, Joyland, The Dark Tower series and many others....King truthfully, IMO-has never written a "weak" novel....