It's official now, I might lose my job!!

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Thank you so much everyone!! :love: I really appreciate your positive vibes and good thoughts and prayers. Let's just hope for
the best. I must just in case start to look for other jobs too. There is a lot of speculation between us that who stays and who gets to go.
It also makes me sad that I loose good co workers that I've worked with 5 years.:( But can't possible be a workplace for all us 7 in that
gas station anymore. just tell em your big brother on the SKMB will beat em up if they don't keep you...that oughta take care of it....


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
Guess what....... I was on a job interview today. The new owners interviewed me and asked if I want to continue to work in this
gas station and I said yes of of course. They asked me other things too about the work. In the end they said that they have other
people who's coming to work for them in August but promised to inform me if I get the job. Oh man I am so excited been a good
day today. Please keep your fingers crossed that I get the job.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Guess what....... I was on a job interview today. The new owners interviewed me and asked if I want to continue to work in this
gas station and I said yes of of course. They asked me other things too about the work. In the end they said that they have other
people who's coming to work for them in August but promised to inform me if I get the job. Oh man I am so excited been a good
day today. Please keep your fingers crossed that I get the job.
Great news!


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
OK I promised to you Friday to tell about the job that I am searching for now. I found a good job that might interest me. Our
Subway restaurant is searching for a worker this autumn and it seems something for me. Tonight I put job application to them.
I also have one other place that I am going to put job application to. Continue to keep your fingers crossed that I find something.
I still haven't heard if these new owners will keep me or not. If I don't find any other job and they not keep me, I am officially
jobless August 1st.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
OK I promised to you Friday to tell about the job that I am searching for now. I found a good job that might interest me. Our
Subway restaurant is searching for a worker this autumn and it seems something for me. Tonight I put job application to them.
I also have one other place that I am going to put job application to. Continue to keep your fingers crossed that I find something.
I still haven't heard if these new owners will keep me or not. If I don't find any other job and they not keep me, I am officially
jobless August 1st.

Sending positive vibes. May the right job be yours.


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
Have you thought about asking the new owners what their plans are, Jojo? Time's getting short and it's your future here. They should be good enough to give you at least two weeks notice of what their decision is one way or the other.

Good luck!

No I haven't thought about it, but they still can hire me and I don't want to intrude. They hire me if it's meant to be so. If not
I'll find another job. I just hope they call me whatever decision they make.

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
No I haven't thought about it, but they still can hire me and I don't want to intrude. They hire me if it's meant to be so. If not
I'll find another job. I just hope they call me whatever decision they make.

Yes, I understand. If they don't hire you it'll be their loss. Good for you for taking the initiative to go out and look for another job in the meantime . A lot of people would rather take the wait and see what happens approach.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
OK I promised to you Friday to tell about the job that I am searching for now. I found a good job that might interest me. Our
Subway restaurant is searching for a worker this autumn and it seems something for me. Tonight I put job application to them.
I also have one other place that I am going to put job application to. Continue to keep your fingers crossed that I find something.
I still haven't heard if these new owners will keep me or not. If I don't find any other job and they not keep me, I am officially
jobless August 1st.
Sending lots of positive vibes your way that you'll find the job that's right for you!


Committed member
Jun 24, 2009
Jojo, I am so sorry to hear that! I guess bosses all over the world are the same... I lost my previous job four years ago (God, now I am happy I've lost this job), but the situation was awful, I got to know that my boss started looking for another worker to replace me and I did not know about it! I just saw a job vacancy at one of the websites. That was really nasty! But later I found a better job for me, it has a lot of disadvantages, but also a lot of advantages and it allowed me to make a lot of changes in my life, for one, I met my love there=D So, what I am trying to tell is that everything is done for a reason in our lives, if you lose this job, it means something better is coming for you! I am sure time will show you thin, nothing is in vain.

I wish you good luck! Positive vibes going your way!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Only one week left and my job in the gas station end. I still haven't heard from the new owners. Oh man I really
start to get nervous here now. It might be possible that I loose my job.
Calming vibes.
This does not speak well of the "new" owner and how they may possibly treat their employees. Just a week away from your present job closing and no notification of choice from the new owner. Not very considerate.
Holding you to positives.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Only one week left and my job in the gas station end. I still haven't heard from the new owners. Oh man I really
start to get nervous here now. It might be possible that I loose my job.
Crossing everything for you, but it might be a good time to get very serious about finding another job. Were you still thinking about the mail delivery job? Even if you don't love it, it could tide you over until you find something you like better :)