May/December Romances

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Autumn Gust

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
When I was twenty, I fell in love with a forty-five year old man. We dated for a year and a half and, during that time, I experienced a whole range of emotions. At first, I appreciated his maturity and urbanity, his intelligence and wisdom. I liked that he was economically stable. He wasn't reckless and he was always in control of himself. As the months went by, though, I started to think of him as "stodgy". Towards the end the end of the relationship, I really felt confined. I wanted to be with someone who was impulsive once in a while, someone with more vitality. To a woman in her forties, this man may have been "the perfect catch"; I believe it was because of our age difference that my feelings changed. I'm just very glad I never married him!

Maybe this couple should live together first and then tie the knot??


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
When I was 20 or maybe I was 21 I dated a man that was 35. I liked him very much, but it bothered me that our age difference
was so high. I mean he was 15 years older then me. We dated 3 months and after that I told him what bothers me. He was
OK with that and now we are just friends and if we see each other somewhere we talk and ask each other how things
going in our life. If he just had been 10 or 15 years younger he would have been the perfect man for me. But I found my
true love later in life. (As you can see on my avatar picture)


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Depends. As long as they not under age i see no reason to not love eachother if you do so. And it also has to do with what kind of life one has lived. My wife was 16 years younger than i but it didn't matter to any of us. And she was propably the one that had experienced a lot of different things. I hadn't. She had learned the hard way that people can't be trusted, all these things that come with age. So she was older in mind than if you only looked at the outside.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2014
Me and my Ex had a 10 year age difference, I was 20 when I married her. I kind of think the age difference was a factor in the good parts and the bad. She had been married beforehand to a guy a little older then her, who by all accounts was rather boring. I think she enjoyed being 30 and getting to run around with a college kid, go to our parties, stay up all night getting high and drunk with us. But after the first 2 years, those same things became the problem and she resented me for not wanting to settle down and live like a guy in his mid 30's. by the end it was a nightmare, I'm sure as much for her as me.

That's just one experience though, yours could be different. Go with what your gut tells you is right, I'm the last one should be giving relationship advice.

Lily Sawyer

Jun 27, 2009
South Carolina
What do you think about a woman marrying a man that is 21 years younger than her?
Weeeeeeeeeeelll, that depends.
I think women who marry someone someone that much younger are asking for trouble, because of the maturity differential. A 20-year-old man is far more immature (usually) than a 41-year-old woman.
I have no issue with it, but I don't see it working out in the long run for the couple.

If it were a man marrying a woman that much younger than him, the maturity factor is less of an issue. I think women achieve both physical and emotional maturity long before a man does, and that's why.

I think the thing that would bother me most if I were in that situation would be the automatic assumption by others that I'm a "cougar". I'm not. I don't seek out younger men as a rule, and when I have been involved with someone who's younger than me, it's been completely unplanned. Age has nothing to do with love.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....I'm thinking that the lady would be well pleased in the bingo-bango-bongo department...lots of energy and willingness on his part...and maturity and knowledge of what pleases on her part....Me?.....I just look 21 years older than my gray hair, but damn-I get sick of being mistaken for her dad!...