My favorite book of all time

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
It's been a while since I read this book, but I'm rereading it now. I feel like I'm one of the Losers more than ever, as I hit a passage that I had forgotten and suddenly go "Oh yeeeeeeaaaahhhhh" as recollection hits. And there are some things I don't even remember at all, some lines or snatches of dialogue, and it's fun to find that I'm still discovering new things even though I've read it what seems to be a zillion times.

I'm looking forward to the remake, and I hope it's still on track. I don't know how they're going to beat Tim Curry's iconic performance in the original, but I'd love to see someone like Michael Fassbender try!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Should we throw out some casting suggestions? I'm game! Although I'm sure there's another board for that!

I liked It, but it isn't my favorite King work. But I still pick it up every few years or so and give it another read.

I'm very curious about a re-make. I've got some great casting ideas for the adults.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I just can't handle the pressure! All of those books whispering readme readme readme.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
IT's one of my favorites as well. I liked the mini-series, and I liked Tim Curry in as Pennywise. One of my roommates was dating a really obnoxious guy when the series aired, and he came over every night to watch it, and every time Pennywise was on screen he'd say, "Hey, that's Tim Curry! He was in the Rocky Horror Picture Show". I wanted to poke his eyeballs out. She married the guy and divorced him within a year.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
I'm reading it now for my 1st full time! Only about 200 more pages left though. I have to say, for me, I enjoy the heck out of huge novels, the longer the better. I LOVE backstory, subplots, etc. I love the way King wrote it, going back and forth, that was awesome. I know some folks don't like too much backstory, etc. but I wish this one were 2k pages. Amazing book, and I'm not even finished yet!

I have a good question. The Stand is often considered King's masterpiece, and in that same sentence it is often referred to being his longest work... Like they are classifying it as his best work, simply because of the length.. Why is IT never mentioned in that breath? Did IT not sale as well or something? Or is it because of how The Stand is apocalyptic and a very large novel in terms of subplot and characters? I'd argue IT as a darn VERY CLOSE 2nd... Amazing how SK told this story.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I'm reading it now for my 1st full time! Only about 200 more pages left though. I have to say, for me, I enjoy the heck out of huge novels, the longer the better. I LOVE backstory, subplots, etc. I love the way King wrote it, going back and forth, that was awesome. I know some folks don't like too much backstory, etc. but I wish this one were 2k pages. Amazing book, and I'm not even finished yet!

I have a good question. The Stand is often considered King's masterpiece, and in that same sentence it is often referred to being his longest work... Like they are classifying it as his best work, simply because of the length.. Why is IT never mentioned in that breath? Did IT not sale as well or something? Or is it because of how The Stand is apocalyptic and a very large novel in terms of subplot and characters? I'd argue IT as a darn VERY CLOSE 2nd... Amazing how SK told this story.
According to me IT is his best book. The Stand is for me number two. IT is long but you just float through the book as if it were just 200 instead of 1000+ pages.