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Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
No, his leg was completely raw when I first took him in. The wound was so big that it could not be closed. I thought he might have gotten his leg caught on something and ripped the skin off freeing himself. That's how big the area was. These sores on the side are not nearly that bad but they are big. If this was a bacteria, it was an incredibly aggressive one because when I first noticed the leg wound on a Saturday, it didn't look all that bad and by Sunday it was very nasty. I got him to the vet first thing Monday morning (a week and a half ago) and started the antibiotics then. If these other sores are related, they were probably spreading when I took him in (me saying that - not the vet). They are only on one side of his body too which I think makes sense about my spreading theory.

That does make sense. Poor old guy, have you had him his whole life?

You're welcome. Seeing your Csonka almost makes me forgive the original for fumbling against The Eagles in '78.....


Cantre Member
Apr 5, 2008
120 miles S of the Pancake/Waffle line
That does make sense. Poor old guy, have you had him his whole life?

I've had him most of his life. He was my sister's dog until he was around 2. She had to move and couldn't take him to the new place, so I took him. She had him for his house destroying wall eating years. ;-D (He actually chewed up some drywall when he was a puppy)


Cantre Member
Apr 5, 2008
120 miles S of the Pancake/Waffle line
How is Ozzy today?

He's feeling good this morning. He got some new antibiotics yesterday and I hope these don't mess with his appetite like the last ones did. Through all of this, he has never seemed sick so I feel good about that.

He was very disappointed that he wasn't going to the vet this morning. He was fired up about going. I've never had a dog that loved going to the vet like Ozzy does. ;-D

Does anyone have suggestions for food that he may eat (that's good for him and won't upset his stomach) when his appetite isn't good (I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow if I can remember). I was thinking of just cooking some plain meat like chicken breasts. He definitely isn't going to eat dog food when his appetite isn't good.


Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
He's feeling good this morning. He got some new antibiotics yesterday and I hope these don't mess with his appetite like the last ones did. Through all of this, he has never seemed sick so I feel good about that.

He was very disappointed that he wasn't going to the vet this morning. He was fired up about going. I've never had a dog that loved going to the vet like Ozzy does. ;-D

Does anyone have suggestions for food that he may eat (that's good for him and won't upset his stomach) when his appetite isn't good (I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow if I can remember). I was thinking of just cooking some plain meat like chicken breasts. He definitely isn't going to eat dog food when his appetite isn't good.
Plain white rice and plain chicken is what most vets recommend for upset tummies! ((Ozzy))


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
He's feeling good this morning. He got some new antibiotics yesterday and I hope these don't mess with his appetite like the last ones did. Through all of this, he has never seemed sick so I feel good about that.

Does anyone have suggestions for food that he may eat (that's good for him and won't upset his stomach) when his appetite isn't good (I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow if I can remember). I was thinking of just cooking some plain meat like chicken breasts. He definitely isn't going to eat dog food when his appetite isn't good.

I'm glad to hear he's feeling ok! I hope they figure out what's going on with him.

You could probably make a dog food at home that is far healthier than anything you'll find at a pet store. Fresh meat, like chicken, lamb or goat, along with rice and maybe soft-cooked carrots would make a nice, soft mash. I know there's other stuff you can cook, but I can't think of anything at the moment. Hopefully someone can fill in the blanks! :biggrin2:

Good luck, and keep us posted! Ozzy is lucky to have you!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
He's feeling good this morning. He got some new antibiotics yesterday and I hope these don't mess with his appetite like the last ones did. Through all of this, he has never seemed sick so I feel good about that.

He was very disappointed that he wasn't going to the vet this morning. He was fired up about going. I've never had a dog that loved going to the vet like Ozzy does. ;-D

Does anyone have suggestions for food that he may eat (that's good for him and won't upset his stomach) when his appetite isn't good (I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow if I can remember). I was thinking of just cooking some plain meat like chicken breasts. He definitely isn't going to eat dog food when his appetite isn't good.
Rice and chicken- chicken breast, boneless and skinless. If possible organic or at least processed no antibiotics used on chicken.
3 parts rice to 1 chicken. Save the broth. No spices, no salt, garlic or onions. Small meals. You might also try a good yogurt to replace the good bacteria in his gut.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
He's feeling good this morning. He got some new antibiotics yesterday and I hope these don't mess with his appetite like the last ones did. Through all of this, he has never seemed sick so I feel good about that.

He was very disappointed that he wasn't going to the vet this morning. He was fired up about going. I've never had a dog that loved going to the vet like Ozzy does. ;-D

Does anyone have suggestions for food that he may eat (that's good for him and won't upset his stomach) when his appetite isn't good (I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow if I can remember). I was thinking of just cooking some plain meat like chicken breasts. He definitely isn't going to eat dog food when his appetite isn't good.
Like the others said, chicken and rice... keep it bland for an upset tummy. (((Ozzy)))


Cantre Member
Apr 5, 2008
120 miles S of the Pancake/Waffle line
I got Ozzy's second culture result back yesterday (the stuff on his side) and it is staph. Somehow, this is not related to the leg. So the mystery just deepens. The good news is that everything is healing nicely and I'm down to taking him to the vet every 3 days now (this going to the vet every morning is starting to get expensive).

My first question to the vet was "can this be transferred to humans?" and she told me no. I am being cautious though and washed all of his stuff in bleach last night. At this point though, since he is healing, I'm probably ok. This scares me (retroactively) some though as I'm sure I was rubbing my hands all over the area before I knew it was there.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I got Ozzy's second culture result back yesterday (the stuff on his side) and it is staph. Somehow, this is not related to the leg. So the mystery just deepens. The good news is that everything is healing nicely and I'm down to taking him to the vet every 3 days now (this going to the vet every morning is starting to get expensive).

My first question to the vet was "can this be transferred to humans?" and she told me no. I am being cautious though and washed all of his stuff in bleach last night. At this point though, since he is healing, I'm probably ok. This scares me (retroactively) some though as I'm sure I was rubbing my hands all over the area before I knew it was there.
Glad to hear all is healing for Ozzy.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Lulu made me laugh this morning :) She was very excited to take the kids to school (one of her favorite things), but I told he she couldn't go today. She had an absolute temper tantrum! She was vocalizing (not exactly barking or howling, but something in between--trying to talk) and throwing things all over the living room-throw pillows, shoes, jackets, books. It was exactly like watching my kids have a hissy, but they don't dare throw things--lol. I shouldn't have laughed at her, but I did. And then she got to go anyway--she's very pleased with herself.:D