What Are You Reading?

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Nov 8, 2010
Under your bed
Also like it, but i could finish it only at the second attempt, it seemed too hard for me then, but i was only 17 yo reading it.

Hear that. When I was Seventeen (...it was a very good year), if it wasn't King, Splatterpunk, or Pulp, I didn't get it. Like, back then, I absolutely HATED Charles Dickens, and now I can't seem to get enough of the old windbag.


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I agree. Always enjoyed his books until that co writer joined up with him. He (They?) seem to be pumping out books with no integrity but rather just for
the money.
He has about 4 or 5 folks that 'co-write' with him. Last I bothered to look anyway, he may have more now. He does give exciting and funny readings tho- I got to see him twice when I lived in the Seattle area. He has a great story involving Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood! He's like Steve (or at least he was 10 years ago), meaning he had no entourage with him. I was walking around the bookstore before he was scheduled to talk and I turned around and there he was, right beside me! I didn't bother him as he looked like he was doing some serious shopping himself and I wanted him to have his own time to do that. Don't know if I could do that if it was our Steve......
Mar 12, 2010
Just finished reading The Great God Pan. It was seriously freaky. I got it on my Kindle with a ton of other Arthur Machen stuff. The Megapack, so it has 24 other stories that should keep me busy until my newest acquisition arrives, a vintage copy of The Bachman Books. :)

I just ordered The Great God Pan :) It sounds good. The author's name sounds familiar but I can't remember why.

I haven't read a James Patterson book, but he does this thing called a Master Class where he teaches people to write, a friend of mine offered to pay for the class for me, so I did some research. That's when I found out that he has a 'stable of writers' who do his work for him. So basically I'm paying to take a writing class from a guy who just jots down ideas and then passes them off to some lackey? Pretty sure anyone (with money) can do that. :(

Well that explains a lot :rofl:


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I just ordered The Great God Pan :) It sounds good. The author's name sounds familiar but I can't remember why.

Well that explains a lot :rofl:
King has mentioned Machen a few times in interviews/articles and has also quoted him in a book at some point but don't ask me where because there's too many books/chapters etc. for me to find it. ;;D
Mar 12, 2010
IMO, no. When he was writing just those books (and doing his own writing), they were pretty good--entertaining. As time went on, not so much. Any long running series has the problem of becoming repetitive, and it happened to this one in spades.

I really enjoyed all of the Cross books- love the characters! But, once he brought in a 'co-writer' for the series I stopped- if the man can't write the books in the series that he created and that 'made' a name for him, then he's just lazy or stretched way too thin, and it shows in the books. Love his first 5 novels tho!!

I agree. Always enjoyed his books until that co writer joined up with him. He (They?) seem to be pumping out books with no integrity but rather just for
the money.

Thanks all y'all muchly :) I would have hated to have had to find that out myself.
Mar 12, 2010
I downloaded a collection of "Supernatural Tales of Triumph over Darkness" call Rage Against the Night. Some pretty entertaining stories so far, including one from Sai King and another from our very own Bev Vincent.

Thanks for the tip! I just downloaded Rage against the Night too :) I havn't read SK's Fair Extension. And the story by Bev should be interesting too :) I didn't know he wrote fiction.

I also downloaded Dark Screams: Volume One. SK's short story Weeds is included. That's another SK short story I havn't read.

It's way too easy to download books to the kindle. I'm a bit afraid of how high our next Discover bill will be lol


I wrestled a bear once!
Jan 19, 2016
City of Voronezh, Russian Federation
Hear that. When I was Seventeen (...it was a very good year), if it wasn't King, Splatterpunk, or Pulp, I didn't get it. Like, back then, I absolutely HATED Charles Dickens, and now I can't seem to get enough of the old windbag.
I totally agree with your point, our world outlook is constantly changes, we're getting older and, i believe, more intelligent :) Frank has visited the thread again, i enjoy his songs :) (...it was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights...)
My second favorite. I'm partial to ol' Raskolnikov (Crime & Punishment). He was a chump, and I wanted to shake him more than once, but he's an interesting character.
I hated it at school, tried to read it, but failed. Did it with struggle, seemed terrible for the first time. It's full of obsolete russian words in original. As i said it before, my opinion was dramatically changed when i became a little bit older. The second read was brilliant.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Thanks for the tip! I just downloaded Rage against the Night too :) I havn't read SK's Fair Extension. And the story by Bev should be interesting too :) I didn't know he wrote fiction.

I also downloaded Dark Screams: Volume One. SK's short story Weeds is included. That's another SK short story I havn't read.

It's way too easy to download books to the kindle. I'm a bit afraid of how high our next Discover bill will be lol
I really enjoyed Weeds! Best story in the collection by far-there are a few duds.


I wrestled a bear once!
Jan 19, 2016
City of Voronezh, Russian Federation
Great stuff. As for adaptions of C & P, dig a young, brilliant Peter Lorre as Raskolnokov in Josef Von Steinberg's 1935 version.
Oh, great thanks, will look for it!
In my turn let me advice you to watch an 1969 USSR adaptation of C & P with the great G. Taratorkin as Raskolnikov. Maybe you could find an english dub.

Harmony Wellsprings

Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
It's way too easy to download books to the kindle. I'm a bit afraid of how high our next Discover bill will be lol

I usually buy an Amazon gift card of my budget, then I keep track of the balance as I shop. If I can't get it on the gift card balance, then I can't have it. Plastic is very dangerous in my hands so I have to watch it.

You will love The Great God Pan. I read him because if SK thinks he's worth a nod, then I want to know why. Full Dark, No Stars, I think is where he mentioned this author and his work. It might have been Just After Sunset. I read those two pretty close together so one or the other. Enjoy!! :D


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I don't think there is a bad Dostoevsky novel. He was a very interesting writer!
None that i have read at least. But you need to be in the right mood though. I have just read the majors of him but they were all great. IDIOT, BROTHERS KARAMAZOV and CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Read a very gloomy piece called Notes From Underground too. Havent read the Player (or is it Gambler?) or Demons but i have heard good things about them.
Lord Peter Wimsey says in an interesting discussion he has with his wife about the justification for writing crime novels. 'Perhaps a few, very fe, people can take their sense of justice from Crime and Punishment but most people when they read dont want to be teached, they want to be entertained. Thats where the crime novel comes in. You show them a world where criminals are punished ' . It goes on for much longer but Dorotea Sayers were a very wellread author.


This is my favorite place
Mar 26, 2008
The woods are lovely dark and deep
So I finished The Goldfinch last night.And this is just my two cents worth...........

When I first started reading I wondered if the author had a thesaurus next to her.I don't know how else to say this but sometimes a bedroom can just be called a bedroom.No need to call it a boudoir.( not actually in the book).BUT,I got totally sucked in.......for about 270 pages and then it slowed down and didn't call to me as much.But more than one person had said the middle can be slow but it picks up at the end.I kept reading.I got to the last 20 pages and was still waiting for something to happen.Then I was down to five pages.....still waiting......2 pages.........starting to get a bad feeling here.......last page.I don't want to put any spoilers so I will just say that I felt like Ralphie when,after so many days of waiting,he finally gets his decoder ring.Only to find that he is hit with a crummy commercial.I was like," I read through 770 pages for this?" Ugh.I think it was an okay read but if I could have a do over I would pass on it and spend that time on another book instead.


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
I didn't think I liked James Patterson. I'd read a couple novels written by him and a collaborating author and didn't like either one. I decided to give him another try and read one of the novels he'd written by himself. I'm reading Along Came a Spider (the first Alex Cross mystery) and I'm surprised how much I like it. It's really tough to put down. If my kindle wasn't on the charger, I'd be reading it now lol. There are like 23 books in the Alex Cross series... are they all as good as the first?
I haven't read them all, but what I have read is of a good standard. Clever bad guys, more clever detectives. Good characters, yeah give them a go.
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