What Did You Do Today? What are you doing today?

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Alexandra M

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2015
Kelowna, B. C., Canada
....my 40th Reunion is comping up in 2019, and the same douchewads that hung together then-still leech on to one another....who knew snobbishness was so symbiotic?....I was an outcast because I was big and heavy, Mom was a teacher etc., I literally have maybe one true friend from my entire time in that hormone instilled cesspool, and don't miss it a lick.....

I know what you mean GNT. Went to the first one and hated every minute off it. There was another one 5 years
later and didn't go to that one.

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
I'm the odd mom here too Sunny. It's the suburbs. I've never fit. We're OK though, right? Doesn't bother me in the least anymore. I'd be worried about me if I did fit in. I didn't go to school here, but I don't really fit well into my old high school crowd either. I prefer the land of misfits.

Would you like to borrow my shoes, my Dear?

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I never knew that until you posted those pics, Neesy! Derp.
That made me laugh. The only other forum I belong to is where I now post all my political stuff. I belonged there long before joining SKMB. The other week I used the term "well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" and got a four day ban because of it... for vulgarity. Crazy Europeans. It took me two days of my ban before I was able to convince the mods through the appeal process that it was just a term here used as an expression of surprise. Not until I provided a picture of a calendar for sale with the same heading did they finally concede and reduced my ban from four days to the two days I had already served.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
....my 40th Reunion is comping up in 2019, and the same douchewads that hung together then-still leech on to one another....who knew snobbishness was so symbiotic?....I was an outcast because I was big and heavy, Mom was a teacher etc., I literally have maybe one true friend from my entire time in that hormone instilled cesspool, and don't miss it a lick.....

A few months ago I was talking to my son about my high school graduation eons ago. After I explained how it went, he listened very intently then asked me, "That sounds fun. Where did you'll park your horses?" It took me about 5 seconds to realize he was kidding, I had been lost in the moment explaining graduation night to him...He's definitely my kid, above all things, he's a wise-ass.....lol

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
That made me laugh. The only other forum I belong to is where I now post all my political stuff. I belonged there long before joining SKMB. The other week I used the term "well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" and got a four day ban because of it... for vulgarity. Crazy Europeans. It took me two days of my ban before I was able to convince the mods through the appeal process that it was just a term here used as an expression of surprise. Not until I provided a picture of a calendar for sale with the same heading did they finally concede and reduced my ban from four days to the two days I had already served.

Would you get a permanent ban if you told someone to kiss your grits?


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Would you get a permanent ban if you told someone to kiss your grits?
LOL. I'm not about to try. Mods there also hand out Yellow Cards and Red Cards (they do like their soccer in Europe, apparently) in addition to bans. I've amassed quit a collection of lovely cards in a very short period of time. The forum mods have had enough of me and my infraction appeals... which I almost always win. The forum mods have now passed of the job of dealing with me to the category mods. :)


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
LOL. I'm not about to try. Mods there also hand out Yellow Cards and Red Cards (they do like their soccer in Europe, apparently) in addition to bans. I've amassed quit a collection of lovely cards in a very short period of time. The forum mods have had enough of me and my infraction appeals... which I almost always win. The forum mods have now passed of the job of dealing with me to the category mods. :)

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
and my snow barrier/protection wall is...kinda complete. here's a pic...you can get a flavor for the finnish ghetto where i grew up.
the wall 011.JPG the wall 008.JPG i have no idea who this man is.
wish my supplier would fax my price requests...two from yesterday, another from today. they're open for another hour and a half, be nice to get those prices, get the estimates to the customers. i worked for both of them before...a third is the son of one. do-da...do-da. could go pick the tomatoes. could finish my coffee, too. i think what i'll do is head out to point mills, poke around in the bush a bit. get some sand in my shoes. tomorrow i figure to write letters to our state rep and state senator. i emailed them about two three months ago and still no response. lady up the street--i'll be putting steel on her porch roof maybe next week--she said her grandson...i think it was...works for dianda, the state rep. she said she relayed a message to contact me. twenty-five years now...snow avalanches from the neighbor's roof and with all our utilities on that side of the house, there's a danger. no-brainer, really, the code needs to change. we're one of four or five in town with this problem. tired of taking snow off his roof to lessen the impact. don't want to be doing that when i'm 65, i live that long. nice day today, too...temps in the mid 70s if that, slight breeze, blue skies. happy friday!

have a great weekend! :)

edit! looked at the phone/fax...the supplier cam through! i'm going out in the bush anyway! be safe!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
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