When people come to you with gossip...Do you ask...

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...it happens all the time at work, and I am weary of it...to my bones....but, it does me no good to say anything-it continues to fester like the dead bees in OoO's Underoos....and it's NOT just because my co-workers are mostly women-the men are just as bad....it ain't no wonder my shoulders are sore, I'm all the time trying to pull the knives outta my spine...it seems to surprise people when they find out that something untrue that has been said about me, has upset or angered me...I'm not thin-skinned, I am a little more tender than people credit me for...sure, I'm a huge dude with a cranky temper and a smart & foul mouth-but I do have a gentle side and that's why I am over the crap...the old adage "if ya can't say somethin' nice about someone....." is quite apt...