It turns out this connection isn't real, but I thought it was while reading Under The Dome: Reverend Coggins said that a blind, mad man would be his sign. Then, one the children said "He has a golden baseball" I had just finished reading The Dark Tower VII, and these things struck me in two ways (before I found out there really wasn't a connection): 1. The Crimson King was hurling golden sneetches, wasn't he? Aren't those about the size of baseballs? 2. The Crimson King was erased to elsewhere without his eyes, and he was mad. So, midway through the book, I had thought that perhaps the Crimson King had manifested in this world instead of going to todash, and that he was responsible for the dome. Anyways, turned out different :-)
The dome comes down at 11:44. 11 4 4=19. The hospital room for Big Jim Rennie is 19. The bus they try to escape from the fireball is 19. I think Piper Libby is a female version of Father Callahan, and Horace the dog has some Oy in him too. Joe Mcclatchey is alot like Jake also. Great book, Love the King!