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misery chastain loves co.

MORE Count Chocula please.....
Jul 31, 2011
...so far the only thing matching the book is a mist...
:rofl: So true!
I've been muddling my way through it but I think this will go down in the books as one of the bad/worst adaptations. I keep watching hoping it will get better(and I really like Frances Conroy but am surprised she went from AHS to this mess).
Let's hope TV wise Mr. Mercedes and Castle Rock bring it!

I mean seriously, you kill off one of the most interesting characters from both the novella and the book in the first episode??


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....so far it has been nothing but a soap opera, against the backdrop of mist....I have changed my mind.....I will keep watching, cuz it's like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off of....last night?.....the surgical scene was interesting, but the soft porn bedroom scene and bathroom kiss were completely unnecessary scenes.....when are we going to finally start seeing some damn monsters and the Arrowhead project?????......enough of the angst BS.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
....so far it has been nothing but a soap opera, against the backdrop of mist....I have changed my mind.....I will keep watching, cuz it's like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off of....last night?.....the surgical scene was interesting, but the soft porn bedroom scene and bathroom kiss were completely unnecessary scenes.....when are we going to finally start seeing some damn monsters and the Arrowhead project?????......enough of the angst BS.....

That "surgical" scene was maybe the unintentionally funniest thing I've seen in years.
Why exactly was it so necessary to risk getting to the ER room? When they got there it was basically empty except for some bandages and a staple gun. And the doctor's radio instructions were priceless. Put more gauze on it and staple the guy up! I guess in a disaster we can't count on the doctors, police or god forbid mall security to put themselves in harms way according to this show. Instead they let others take all the risks. One thing I have learned from this show is that if you hang yourself at the mall, then mall security will randomly pick a high school kid to cut you down while they stand around. And shoppers will go Lord of the Flies in less than 24 hours. Good stuff. LOL


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
That "surgical" scene was maybe the unintentionally funniest thing I've seen in years.
Why exactly was it so necessary to risk getting to the ER room? When they got there it was basically empty except for some bandages and a staple gun. And the doctor's radio instructions were priceless. Put more gauze on it and staple the guy up! I guess in a disaster we can't count on the doctors, police or god forbid mall security to put themselves in harms way according to this show. Instead they let others take all the risks. One thing I have learned from this show is that if you hang yourself at the mall, then mall security will randomly pick a high school kid to cut you down while they stand around. And shoppers will go Lord of the Flies in less than 24 hours. Good stuff. LOL
...yeah, sad but true.....I only thought the scene was interesting, because it was really the only "drama" that whole episode.....the rest was just pure silliness....

Hall Monitor

All bars serve the Beam.
Nov 7, 2013
New Jersey
Kind of in the same boat. I'm watching it, and the understanding that this isn't going to be The X-Files (or even remotely close) makes it easier to swallow. I must admit I liked the Mrs. Carmody easter egg, if you can call it that, in Episode 1, and the SUV had a passing resemblance to the SUV from Darabont's movie, which was cool. I have to stop myself from applying "24"-style logic to the plot, though, and trying to figure out where it is going, because I'm pretty sure I know the huge reveal already, which is kind of sad.

S.R. Wittmann

Active Member
Feb 22, 2017
Florida, USA
but the soft porn bedroom scene and bathroom kiss were completely unnecessary scenes

I couldn't agree with GNTLGNT more. I've reserved commenting on The Mist to give it a chance. I've faithfully watched each episode (six at this time) with an open mind to give the production an opportunity to develop its characters before I cast judgement. Never have I seen an SK adaptation that compared with the book. So, I didn't come to The Mist with any expectation other than a hope for good story telling. However, over and over I keep asking myself, "So what?" Why should I care what this character thinks? Why should I care what happens to that character? And there's no answer. There are gratuitous scenes like those mentioned by GNTLGNT that offer nothing to the story. There's supposed to be a protagonist and I am supposed to care what happens to him/her. That's story telling. But here? I couldn't give a "happy crappy" what happens to anyone. Like an earlier poster put it, I find myself rooting for the Mist!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Still not available here


May 18, 2017
Caledonia, Ontario, Canada
I've watched all 8 episodes.

I'm trying to come to terms with this being a completely different story than King's short story. I'm accepting that now, but it doesn't change that this show is awful. Like others have said, it's like a trainwreck - I have to keep watching to see how much worse it gets.

I don't think there's a single character that is likeable. So many plot twists, it gives me a headache trying to keep up. And then some of the laughably bad parts. The body double they used for the old lady had a different body shape and straight hair (compared to wavy hair on the character). Where are the monsters? It's more like an adaptation of Nightmare On Elm Street - go into the mist (ie. fall asleep), and your hallucinations (ie. dreams) will kill you.

Two more episodes to go, and I am positive this will get canceled before Season 2 is even thought of.