Omg, don`t tell him, he has already prepared an acceptance speach, including a happy dance.

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Omg, don`t tell him, he has already prepared an acceptance speach, including a happy dance.
Oh, and it was great when Tom Hanks said, "I am Spartacus!"Okay kingricefan , how did the party go? You and your guests thoughts about the night?
Here are mine:
First off, apparently they had lanes on the red carpet this year, kind of like freeway driving. Hoping to avoid congestion. I think there were 3 if I heard that right. There was a lane for the nobody people. And there was a lane for the stars. How would you like to pull up to the Oscars and get shuffled into the lane with the people deemed boring? Not sure what the third lane was for. Maybe it was for the people carpooling with mannequins.
My favorite dress of the night was Regina King. Elegant. This picture does the dress no justice. She was dazzling on the stage.
And while I would never where yellow, I thought Mindy Kaling looked so fresh and happy.
I will give a shout out to Natalie Portman's dress. It was very old school throw back to me, reminiscent of the roaring 20s, but I liked it. Minus the cape. I had a hard time finding a decent photo without the cape. Which had her statement for the night embroidered along the edge -- missing female director names. Okay. We hear you. Lose the cape.
Billy Porter. Okay. I love his outfits. He is out there loud and proud and nobody's putting baby in a corner. BUT, if you're going to greet people and talk to them, know what you're doing. I don't think he knew even a smidgen of the people he was talking to. He obviously had an earpiece, so somebody kept dropping the ball giving him information as he bumbled along.
I loved the performance of Frozen with all the countries bringing in their Elsas to participate.
And, while I love Elton and Bernie, I felt the song should have gone to Cynthia Erivo for Stand Up from Harriet for Best Original Song. Very powerful music.
And Randy Newman? Love him, but every song he writes sounds the same. Exactly the same. Bubbly and fun and cute, but when he sings them, it's the same damn song.
Diane Keaton. WTH Diane. I hate it when some elder of Hollywood presents who looks either to have imbibed one too many cocktails or who needs to get back home to watch Wapner. Quickly. and NOW.
Very tickled that Taika Waititi won. I love my New Zealand boys. Haven't seen Jojo Rabbit yet but will as soon as I can.
While someone in a wheelchair isn't a moment of giggles for me, I had to laugh when Diane Warren's nominated song, I'm Standing with You (not to be confused with Cynthia Erivo's Stand Up) was performed, they showed a long line of back up choir members and at one moment during singing the phrase, "stand up!", they focused on the wheelchair guy. Awwwwkkkward.
Has anyone here seen Parasite? I must see this now. It seems like a movie that is very out of character for the academy to vote for.
And I loved Eminem's blast of energy. I was up moving. Yes. I was hip hopping out. My kid told me to stop.
So, what stood out to you all?
Her and her brother are brilliantly talented but awkward humans.There is something weird about Billie Eilish. She has those dead eyes. I know she drinks and does weed. There is just something off about her, like she's not totally there.
It's ribbed, for her pleasure......why?????........looks like she should be standing beside a can of freakin' Scrubbing Bubbles........
View attachment 33968
It's ribbed, for her pleasure.
Or on the arm in the car wash.....why?????........looks like she should be standing beside a can of freakin' Scrubbing Bubbles........
View attachment 33968
....or at the end of a Swiffer pole......Or on the arm in the car wash
.....or on a giant dart....or at the end of a Swiffer pole......
Or the noodles of lasagna!.....or on a giant dart