I felt so sorry for that poor dog he was such a beautiful dog and till turned mean and started killing people!! that show was so sad .. :-(
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Movie and book - different endings. So wrong!
All he ever wanted to be was A Good Dog.
So sad.
...being a dog lover, and knowing the loyalty and love of that particular breed-it really added to the haunting and painful feeling of that novel...
Movie and book - different endings. So wrong!
According to his interview on the blu-ray edition, SK was ok with the ending. He even had some input with the screen writer. This blurb is from IMDB
Stephen King said that if he could go back and change anything from one of his books it would be letting Tad live. This is why he survives in this film.
He seems ok with some of the changes that screen writers make (not all of them but some of them).
Yes it was vary sad movie :-(
I have never read the book yet but I'm sure planning on it soon!! ;-)
Do read!
...nope, she means to read the book...Are you asking me if I read SK books?
Are you asking me if I read SK books?
...nope, she means to read the book...
...nope, she means to read the book...