Now please read this entire post before you guys say "you couldn't read his first work?" I have always wanted to read the book that began Mr.King's career, he inspired me to become a horror writer. My high school during my Senior year(almost 2 years ago) required you on Fridays to read for twenty minutes. I saw that the bookshelf had Carrie so I decided to pull that down and read. I had already seen the movie and was okay watching that. Yet when I read tried to read this book, I was sobbing due to the bullying in the first few pages. I was severely bullied like Carrie was(not the "plug it up" portion or the blood) but nearly every single person in my school bullied me. It brought back severe flashbacks and I had to lock myself in the bathroom to prevent a panic attack. I was wondering if anyone else ever had difficulty reading any of his works because of their past? I hate that I couldn't read this book and still can't. The only way I could watch the movie was reminding myself constantly this was actors.