I Am Angry Today Because . . .

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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Although I pulled my back a week before fair entries were due, except for sleeping pretty much trying to recover, I worked like a dog preparing four items. I could have done more had I allowed a little more time, and even if my back and right leg weren't killing me, I could have moved faster and done more. The main thing which got me through it was telling myself I would call the chiropractor when the ordeal was over. The day after fair entries were turned in I called the office only to learn he was taking his last patients that day before leaving on a lengthy vacation! What kind of sadist goes on vacation right after fair entries are due? Don't they know people kill themselves preparing for the fair?

Then three of my four entries, including one which turned out really cool and was really hard to make, got lousy red ribbons and only my Halloween Tree got the Superintendent's Award!

There are no other chiropractors in the county, and the one massage therapist takes forever to get into, so I drove to my doctor's office in the next county and got a prescription for massage at the hospital therapy department in my town. My insurance won't pay so it will be out of pocket but I'm at the point where I'm desperate as the pain has spread from the original pulled muscle and now pretty much everything hurts.


(Tried posting a picture but neither uploading a file nor pasting a url seemed to work. I will post in the section about showing off our crafts if someone can get pictures to work.)
I wasn't able to see any picture in the moderator area. Make sure they aren't too big, you may have to resize them.


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
Was up until 1:30am this morning working on the bloody awful Managerial Accounting homework.

Logged into the application where our homework assignments are. Saw 4 questions. Thought, "That's not so bad." In reality each question had like 15 parts with multiple calculations for each part. So, in reality, about 60 - 70 questions. Ugh! Why am I torturing my SwiftDoggy brain with his stuff?!

At least that part of this weeks assignment, along with the two chapters I had to read, is done. I still have to write a business brief, do a case study, and post a journal entry. Fun times, fun times......NOT!

Anyway, I'm done barking about this class (for now). Carry on!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Was up until 1:30am this morning working on the bloody awful Managerial Accounting homework.

Logged into the application where our homework assignments are. Saw 4 questions. Thought, "That's not so bad." In reality each question had like 15 parts with multiple calculations for each part. So, in reality, about 60 - 70 questions. Ugh! Why am I torturing my SwiftDoggy brain with his stuff?!

At least that part of this weeks assignment, along with the two chapters I had to read, is done. I still have to write a business brief, do a case study, and post a journal entry. Fun times, fun times......NOT!

Anyway, I'm done barking about this class (for now). Carry on!
You are doing great. Think of the goal ( the Tower) the rewards.


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
You are doing great. Think of the goal ( the Tower) the rewards.

Thanks, math based courses were never my strong suit to begin with so they require more effort and energy from me. That plus recognizing that there is software out there that will provide these numbers for decision making makes me resent the fact I have to figure them out by hand. I'm not there to become an accountant! (No offense to any accountants on the board or those that want to become accountants ;))

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Thanks, math based courses were never my strong suit to begin with so they require more effort and energy from me. That plus recognizing that there is software out there that will provide these numbers for decision making makes me resent the fact I have to figure them out by hand. I'm not there to become an accountant! (No offense to any accountants on the board or those that want to become accountants ;))
Awwwww, f**k accountants! Nerdy little number geeks!



Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Thanks, math based courses were never my strong suit to begin with so they require more effort and energy from me. That plus recognizing that there is software out there that will provide these numbers for decision making makes me resent the fact I have to figure them out by hand. I'm not there to become an accountant! (No offense to any accountants on the board or those that want to become accountants ;))
My daughter is taking something called Advanced Functions and Modeling this year. Her only other options were Honors Calculus or Statistics. The problems look a lot like they're trying to communicate with life on Venus to me. The thing I don't understand is why these types of math are required to enter a 4 year college? She's not planning to be an engineer, she's going into performing arts......
Hang in there, Swifty. You're almost done.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
My daughter is taking something called Advanced Functions and Modeling this year. Her only other options were Honors Calculus or Statistics. The problems look a lot like they're trying to communicate with life on Venus to me. The thing I don't understand is why these types of math are required to enter a 4 year college? She's not planning to be an engineer, she's going into performing arts......
Hang in there, Swifty. You're almost done.
My Advanced Functions would be blinking and walking.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Only thing I can add to that is chewing gum. Here's an example of the last unit.
She made a 56 on the test. No one made above 70.
View attachment 27605
You know what that is? Bullsh*t. That is the teacher's way of keeping the students busy while they get on their lap tops and play mahjongg and order personalities from Amazon.


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
Only thing I can add to that is chewing gum. Here's an example of the last unit.
She made a 56 on the test. No one made above 70.
View attachment 27605

Looks like some of the stuff I had to do in Electrical Theory when I was in High School.

Statistics would probably have been easier. Although, I took stats my first semester in college. I was so good at it I was invited to take it again :p

Hill lover35

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Alberta canada
I am getting really pissed and frustrated over my current job search. i had a first interview with a large retail store and a local mall and she called me back on Monday to schedule a second interview. i missed the call as she called my home number. i have been playing phone tag with her for the last two day. I called her back today and she was on a break and she would call me back. two hours later i am still weighting. i will stay at my job search place until 4:00 then i will go. I am getting annoyed as the job market is so tight, for every job add they have like 500 applications. i fell like the hiring staff dont care about us, and can be like i can have them hanging on a string. and such. its just frustrating and playing this phone tag is rasing my anxiety and is almost reducing me to tears over the frustration. i fell like no one will hire me,. but i do my best to keep on going. some how. i just wish she whould call me back so i can at least get a second intervew. plus the weather is totall ****
