Literary Auction featuring signed King & others

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Machine's Way

“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Jul 13, 2009
Machine's Way Your message will get deleted again if you re-post it. Aren't you the same one who was complaining about trying to make things political in the Guns thread?

Also the Guns thread, was simply started for people to discuses the topic of gun preference and nothing political was involved until a member made it that way. More power to them, but of course it can be responded to.

This on the other hand fails to mention that this auction is to support Planned parenthood, I was only pointing that out. Some people that might be tempted to bid on these items might want to take that into consideration.
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Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Also the Guns thread, was simply started for people to discuses the topic of gun preference and nothing political was involved until a member made it that way. More power to them, but of course it can be responded to.

This on the other hand fails to mention that this auction is to support Planned parenthood, I was only pointing that out. Some people that might be tempted to bid on these items might want to take that into consideration.
Actually, the OP brought up gun laws if you take a look at his original post.

You were not merely pointing out that it was to support Planned Parenthood which as readers, I would imagine everyone would have recognized when they went to the link as it is plainly stated that that is the recipient of the proceeds. You were adding your own negative opinions about an organization which also provides healthcare that has nothing to do with abortions to women who might not otherwise be able to receive it.

Machine's Way

“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Jul 13, 2009
Dude. Really?

Ms. Moderator has the patience of Job and she is extremely even handed. Back up and be respectful.

You may want to apologize as well.

DO you know what was even said, no because it was deleted. I am being very respectful. But the fact is this is not the first time when something is not liked or agreed upon by certain people it will simply get deleted.

Maybe you should apologize for commenting on something you have no idea about, instead of telling me to back up.
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Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
DO you know what was even said, no because it was deleted. I am being very respectful. But the fact is this is not the first time when something is not liked or agreed upon by certain people it will simply get deleted.

Maybe you should apologize for commenting on something you have no idea about, instead of telling me to back up.
Sorry I forgot that unpopular opinions get deleted here. Censorship at its best. Carry on.

You stated, Sorry I forgot that unpopular opinions get deleted here. Censorship at its best. Carry on.

I know for a fact that unpopular opinions do not get deleted here. Furthermore, posts are moderated for language, appropriateness and context and not censored.

For you to say this is uncalled for, disrespectful and plain nasty.

I won't argue with you further. You are over the top and extremely defensive.

Machine's Way

“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Jul 13, 2009
You stated, Sorry I forgot that unpopular opinions get deleted here. Censorship at its best. Carry on.

I know for a fact that unpopular opinions do not get deleted here. Furthermore, posts are moderated for language, appropriateness and context and not censored.

For you to say this is uncalled for, disrespectful and plain nasty.

I won't argue with you further. You are over the top and extremely defensive.

Yet again, I also know FOR A FACT that post that are unfavorable to the general political leanings of most of the people on this board have been and will be deleted.

Funny how you don't want to argue, yet inject yourself into something that has nothing to do with you. I was in fact never arguing with you in the first place.

Ironically you calling me, Disrespectful and Plain nasty, is quite disrespectful to ME. And the best part, is YOU have no idea what I even said, yet feel the need to make such comments. There are many words for that, but I will refrain.
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Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I'm going to ask both of you to refrain from continuing this line of discussion in this thread. This isn't Hot Topics which is why the post was deleted in the first place. I am going to respond, though, that NO ONE except the moderators knows the extent to which posts are deleted or edited on BOTH sides of the political aisle because you don't see every single one that has had that result and yet assumptions and accusations are constantly being thrown out that it is only one-sided. It. isn't. Period.

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
Oh hell, the board is closing soon so I'll throw in my two cents... I think the fact that if this is an auction to support Planned Parenthood that it should be revealed before one clicks on the link. It's only fair. To have to click on the link only find that the auction supports this organization may be unsettling to people. That's all.

Machine's Way

“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Jul 13, 2009
Oh hell, the board is closing soon so I'll throw in my two cents... I think the fact that if this is an auction to support Planned Parenthood that it should be revealed before one clicks on the link. It's only fair. To have to click on the link only find that the auction supports this organization may be unsettling to people. That's all.



The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....maybe it's only me, but it seems like every Thread is getting a heaping helping of muckraking...I don't envy Marsha or any of the other girls in having to contend with this, and I also know that's why they need at least two weeks off....they have a much better of handling things than I....if it were me, accounts would have been blasted forthwith and good riddance.....I try to read and respect opinions from all-but in my decade plus here, I have never seen what is supposed to be a family friendly Board-become such a contentious and downright savage place in Hot Topics, or elsewhere as evidenced above by Marsha having to step in and say something. That is ridiculous and a waste of her two are adults-act like it!'s apparent when you Log-In to register what the auction is for, if you don't agree-leave the site, make no donation and shut the hell up!, this constant one upsmanship of opinions has become a parody of itself.....