Pet Sematary Remake

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
I don't care if they do become 'dated', some shouldn't be remade... Imean why do a remake if it was good to begin with?? Id prefer a ne movie be the real insomnia, duma key or liseys story..


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
Mobile, Alabama
It seems that Hollywood always does remakes of the movies that turned out good in the first place (Carrie and Pet Semetary). I would rather see them try and do a better version of one of the disasters like The Running Man. The Running Man could be an awesome movie in the right hands.
Here's how that pitch would go: Well, fans have been wanting this done right. But the book is too depressing. The movie is good though, but just needs a modern touch. This time it will be Jason Statham as the main character. And we'll work in a cameo by Jet Li. :cool:

The Nameless

M-O-O-N - That spells Nameless
I think Pet Sematary was very average to be honest. I don't watch alot of movies and don't even know who is considered a good actor any more, I hear names like Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, and I honestly would not be able to pick them out of a line up.

Most young girls seem to be good actors for some reason, I watched Remember the Titans a little while ago and thought Hayden Panettiere was brilliant when she was about 10. I thought that the girl who played Ellie was realy good and Jud was played good but the accent was a bit overkill.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2014
It seems that Hollywood always does remakes of the movies that turned out good in the first place (Carrie and Pet Semetary). I would rather see them try and do a better version of one of the disasters like The Running Man. The Running Man could be an awesome movie in the right hands.
Personally I feel that directors these days don't have any creativity. Why remake movies? I mean they're just going to do the same old thing. Double the sex and gore and MAJOR CGI. I refuse to watch remakes 98% of the time. I basically just here about how this is being remade and that's being remade. Then they remake it and it SUCKS!


Active Member
Jan 7, 2014
I heard about it and apparently they are going to make it from Elly Creeds point of view. I don't know I already know it's not going to be good. I mean correct me if I'm wrong but tell me one movie that has been remade in the past 5 years that has actually been descent. I mean do we all want to remember what they did to Carrie? Having a 13 year old playing an 18 year old? She had some pretty big shoes to fill but her and Julie Moore or whatever failed. And in todays time? Please. She looked like a regular girl who was only hated because she looked at the popular girls boyfriend. Ugh it just makes me so angry. Oh yeah to get off topic they are planning to remake Poltergeist, more good news! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Quebec, Canada
It's hard to believe that some of these SK movies are getting old enough for remakes. Makes me feel old.
I was just thinking the exact same thing. Although I would have a hard time getting used of new versions. The first ones are always so well made. Pet Sematary was one of the scariest SK book I ever read, and the movie blowned me away. Little Miko Hughes was incredible!!! I wonder if he would be asked to play the role of the dad, now that he's all grown up.


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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I was just thinking the exact same thing. Although I would have a hard time getting used of new versions. The first ones are always so well made. Pet Sematary was one of the scariest SK book I ever read, and the movie blowned me away. Little Miko Hughes was incredible!!! I wonder if he would be asked to play the role of the dad, now that he's all grown up.
Ooo, he's cute.

guido tkp

Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009
outside the dome
um, well...the first movie was kinda lame and much so that a quality remake would be nice indeed...

yes...yes...the great fred gwynne was very good in it...but, then again, he usually was quite a bright spot in almost everything he showed up in...even really pretty good flicks like 'my cousin vinny'...

still...the rest of the movie fairly well sucked...there should've been a tension rising from frame one...that road should've been scary as all hell...everything was fumbled, from the casting, to shots of the trucks...all as boring as a garris tv movie...

and lets not even get into the extremely bad job done with the resurrected only fear was that they'de make a sequel...oh, wait....


this movie was a mere notch above the sleepy dog show that became 'cujo'...and that's not saying much...kings very scary works deserve alot better...

maybe we'll get that this time

jus' ma humble o'


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2014
I already liked this one just fine as it is, could have went with a better actor to play Louis if I had my choice but other than that, I still thought it was one of the better King adaptations.

There are so many King works that have yet to be filmed that 'd rather see the time and energy go into.