Still plodding away

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Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Is this like a singles page?

Speed dating for the country folk?


Im still trying to get to,the end of my Dark Tower fan boy story .its purely a hobby, just for 'what if' kicks, nothing more.

"What if Henry didn't save Eddie from the drunk driver...but Gloria instead?" Remember her?

" what if they had checked out the humming door by the Bear recharge Station?"

2 years on the back burner and i can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. So if anyone enjoys reading badly paragraphed non stop action, terrible spelling, punc'tation errors....then this is the quest for you my friend.

Ive taken a new crew on the quest with long tall and ugly, with a couple of old faces for company,thrown in.

If anyone has the time to read the first draft, and would like to join me- drop me a PM , ill show you the path....

"Kill me if you will,But command me nothing!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
Last night i had a dream...


Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Okay, okay, enough already! Ghee okay, due to popular demand i will allow a select few to venture into my fan blog, and check out my stories - only a couple of you mind. Don't go passing out my thoughts to every stranger in the street.

Its Just a hobby, i know most folks aint too keen on fan boy fiction. But i had to get it off my chest.
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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Okay, okay, enough already! Ghee okay, due to popular demand i will allow a select few to venture into my fan blog, and check out my stories - only a couple of you mind. Don't go passing out my thoughts to every stranger in the street.

Its Just a hobby, i know most folks aint too keen on fan boy fiction. But i had to get it off my chest.
Sorry Stanley. I know this is a self promotion thread, but Stephen has made it clear he doesn't like fan fiction at all. He wants people to write their own stories with their own characters, so I have deleted your link. You can ask Marsha about this Monday when she comes back from her weekend.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Your call, but I wonder if burrows had a website would he be saying the same thing to sai King about his 'Childe Roland to the dark tower' - or if Shakespeare had an account would he be slapping an order to cease and desist on burrows for pinching 'Roland' from his 'King Lear' play about his faeries.

Just a bit of light hearted reading Dana I was quite happy to finish and share - no sweat , I'll keep it for me and all the Dean Koonz fans :(

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Darn...I thought I bookmarked the page. Went there...there's a lot there, figured later, so on so forth. Saw the link had been erased...saw that earlier/ to thinking of some of the various kind of 'reviews' that show up here. There was this one guy whose name I forgot...from across the pond as I recall...or maybe New England. He had an interesting take on criticism...and by criticism I mean the literary variety...that's what English majors and whud-nott call it. And then there's that...James Woods guy from same area, New England...New Yorker? Or some other big name mag...thought I read a take, meta-criticism of hiss take...another called it...creative. Creative criticism...that's the phrase I'm looking for...apparently this Woods-guy has employed it? And like I said, this other that was here at some point, his criticism, which was linked as well as posted here...that was a kind of creative criticism I thought, or that's how I remember it. Or I know, a kind of free association criticism...and I thought maybe that is what Sheemie had going, to a degree.

Too...there is/was a big name big pay guy at the University of Florida...Norman Holland I think his name was. He used Freudian theory and in his seminars, grad students were asked to free associate about what they had read...and that in turn, was meta-criticized by the class...criticism of criticism. The point, I guess, that it was a kind of creative criticism. Information. I am unmounted and without lance.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Sorry Stanley. I know this is a self promotion thread, but Stephen has made it clear he doesn't like fan fiction at all. He wants people to write their own stories with their own characters, so I have deleted your link. You can ask Marsha about this Monday when she comes back from her weekend.

I wasnt gonna take the bait, but i 'll bite- what the hell.

Censorship is bad, very bad. If you cut out the bad, all you have (in your opinion)is the good. Apologise all you want, but this is wrong. Books are written to be enjoyed and to be inspired by, and i was inspired to write by Stephen Kings words. He encouraged us to write in 'on writing' and i took up the 'jack and diane' reversal challenge. This was my first ever attempt at story writing, but i loved it. This was him telling us to use his characters to further our own writing knowledge and create a technique of our own. And that is exactly what i have done, and am still doing.

So imagine my frustration when all i want to do is share the one thing i enjoy doing with other people who have experienced the same calling. I am self promoting nothing but my beaming pride at finishing my first ever novel, spurred on by my favourite author.

We all take inspiration from other work, wether it be ruby slippers and glass towers, grizzly cowboys with serapes saving townships, exploding snitches from wizards in high towers, dark towers, you name it.

To deprive people by moderating their words is wrong, this is not a state penitentiary where our mail needs to be monitored and censored, its a just a message board for a group of like minded people to enjoy similar subjects.

I go. (Again) "... And fart in your general direction"

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I wasnt gonna take the bait, but i 'll bite- what the hell.

Censorship is bad, very bad. If you cut out the bad, all you have (in your opinion)is the good. Apologise all you want, but this is wrong. Books are written to be enjoyed and to be inspired by, and i was inspired to write by Stephen Kings words. He encouraged us to write in 'on writing' and i took up the 'jack and diane' reversal challenge. This was my first ever attempt at story writing, but i loved it. This was him telling us to use his characters to further our own writing knowledge and create a technique of our own. And that is exactly what i have done, and am still doing.

So imagine my frustration when all i want to do is share the one thing i enjoy doing with other people who have experienced the same calling. I am self promoting nothing but my beaming pride at finishing my first ever novel, spurred on by my favourite author.

We all take inspiration from other work, wether it be ruby slippers and glass towers, grizzly cowboys with serapes saving townships, exploding snitches from wizards in high towers, dark towers, you name it.

To deprive people by moderating their words is wrong, this is not a state penitentiary where our mail needs to be monitored and censored, its a just a message board for a group of like minded people to enjoy similar subjects.

I go. (Again) "... And fart in your general direction"
I did not censor your words at all. I censored your thievery. Stephen does not like this. What part of that do you not understand? This isn't me. This is the man saying this. If people want to read your stuff, they can contact you privately and you can privately give them links. Call it homage if you will. I call it a lack of original thought.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
I did not censor your words at all. I censored your thievery. Stephen does not like this. What part of that do you not understand? This isn't me. This is the man saying this. If people want to read your stuff, they can contact you privately and you can privately give them links. Call it homage if you will. I call it a lack of original thought.

Exactly my point, he 'thieves' , they 'thieve', we all 'thieve' - what part of that do you not understand.

As for original thought, did you take the time to read anything on the link? And why so nasty?