Is this like a singles page?
Speed dating for the country folk?
Im still trying to get to,the end of my Dark Tower fan boy story .its purely a hobby, just for 'what if' kicks, nothing more.
"What if Henry didn't save Eddie from the drunk driver...but Gloria instead?" Remember her?
" what if they had checked out the humming door by the Bear recharge Station?"
2 years on the back burner and i can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. So if anyone enjoys reading badly paragraphed non stop action, terrible spelling, punc'tation errors....then this is the quest for you my friend.
Ive taken a new crew on the quest with long tall and ugly, with a couple of old faces for company,thrown in.
If anyone has the time to read the first draft, and would like to join me- drop me a PM , ill show you the path....
"Kill me if you will,But command me nothing!"
Speed dating for the country folk?

Im still trying to get to,the end of my Dark Tower fan boy story .its purely a hobby, just for 'what if' kicks, nothing more.
"What if Henry didn't save Eddie from the drunk driver...but Gloria instead?" Remember her?
" what if they had checked out the humming door by the Bear recharge Station?"
2 years on the back burner and i can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. So if anyone enjoys reading badly paragraphed non stop action, terrible spelling, punc'tation errors....then this is the quest for you my friend.
Ive taken a new crew on the quest with long tall and ugly, with a couple of old faces for company,thrown in.
If anyone has the time to read the first draft, and would like to join me- drop me a PM , ill show you the path....
"Kill me if you will,But command me nothing!"