What if the pulse happened? Not the way it did in the book, but let's face it; Orwell's vision came true. The proverbial ghost in the machine has always been there to allow for human error.
People no longer converse with one and other. I rationalize the
fact that I'm here instead of writing or reading my book by saying that my situation is different. It's not, it's irrelevant. It is not acceptable for people to be so focused on technology that they forget about life.
Conversely, our electronic vices are probably healthier than other vices, my biggest worry is now that we are are less than vigilant about our security, does that leave us open to potential threat? I mean on a larger scale. Probably not
I would not laugh if anyone but the head off of my poodle mix, Sammy.
People no longer converse with one and other. I rationalize the

Conversely, our electronic vices are probably healthier than other vices, my biggest worry is now that we are are less than vigilant about our security, does that leave us open to potential threat? I mean on a larger scale. Probably not