This Guy and His Parents

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All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
The man is a spoiled little man-child and needs to get the h*ll out of his parents house and GROW UP! What an immature whiny little guy he is. I saw him on television being interviewed and he's all like 'I'm not a burden to them. They don't supply my food or do my laundry. Why are they treating me like this?' Good Lawd, grow a pair!!

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
The man is a spoiled little man-child and needs to get the h*ll out of his parents house and GROW UP! What an immature whiny little guy he is. I saw him on television being interviewed and he's all like 'I'm not a burden to them. They don't supply my food or do my laundry. Why are they treating me like this?' Good Lawd, grow a pair!!


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I know it's funny but I just don't have the time or patience to feel sorry for some lame *ss 30 something (he's turning 31 quite soon!!!) who feels that he can just have everything handed to him. It would be different if he was 18 or even 20, but come on, grow up and take responsibility for your own life. He's live in his parents house since he returned home at the age of 22. So almost 9 years now and still he's mooching off of them. I'm sure he has just tons of ladies standing in line wanting to date him...…...NOT!!!!!!

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
I know it's funny but I just don't have the time or patience to feel sorry for some lame *ss 30 something (he's turning 31 quite soon!!!) who feels that he can just have everything handed to him. It would be different if he was 18 or even 20, but come on, grow up and take responsibility for your own life. He's live in his parents house since he returned home at the age of 22. So almost 9 years now and still he's mooching off of them. I'm sure he has just tons of ladies standing in line wanting to date him...…...NOT!!!!!!
I laughed because you said what I was thinking but with more...panache. :applause:


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I know it's funny but I just don't have the time or patience to feel sorry for some lame *ss 30 something (he's turning 31 quite soon!!!) who feels that he can just have everything handed to him. It would be different if he was 18 or even 20, but come on, grow up and take responsibility for your own life. He's live in his parents house since he returned home at the age of 22. So almost 9 years now and still he's mooching off of them. I'm sure he has just tons of ladies standing in line wanting to date him...…...NOT!!!!!! should really get some therapy...this repressing of your emotions could be harmful...


Peripherally known member..
Nov 21, 2014
you just gotta love his entitled attitude..what a freaking creep.This is about an hour by car from me,will be watching to see how this plays out..always wondered about the "guy who lives in his mommy's basement" well,I guess this answers the question of what he looks like..

Anduan Pirate Princess

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Rhode Island
you just gotta love his entitled attitude..what a freaking creep.This is about an hour by car from me,will be watching to see how this plays out..always wondered about the "guy who lives in his mommy's basement" well,I guess this answers the question of what he looks like..
Haha, I used to make fun of that stereotype all the time, but as of the last few months I BECAME one! :a11: But at least I have a room upstairs, not in the actual basement. And I do have goals to move out, although I have to admit it is kind of fun right now.

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
Haha, I used to make fun of that stereotype all the time, but as of the last few months I BECAME one! :a11: But at least I have a room upstairs, not in the actual basement. And I do have goals to move out, although I have to admit it is kind of fun right now.
There's a huge difference between someone falling on hard times and leaning on their family/parents for support until they're back on their feet and someone getting (no, expecting) a free ride. Plus, you have a job. This guy is an entitled, whiny bum.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
The instant I saw this, John W. Hinckley Jr. leaped to mind, but the part respecting weapons absolutely mandated a mention. Just give him a hundred dollars and tell him good-bye--then hope he doesn't shoot himself or anyone else! Especially anyone prominent enough to make major news!


What impressed the hell out of me when this happened was that his parents reported receiving messages from all over the country--not from angry or indignant people asking, "How could you raise such a creepy son who would shoot the president?" but, "Thank God, when we heard the news we were afraid it was our son!" Yep, that many people had a crazy son they either kicked out or who left and they didn't know what he might be doing to who! Seems like some things never change!

Anduan Pirate Princess

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Rhode Island
The instant I saw this, John W. Hinckley Jr. leaped to mind, but the part respecting weapons absolutely mandated a mention. Just give him a hundred dollars and tell him good-bye--then hope he doesn't shoot himself or anyone else! Especially anyone prominent enough to make major news!


What impressed the hell out of me when this happened was that his parents reported receiving messages from all over the country--not from angry or indignant people asking, "How could you raise such a creepy son who would shoot the president?" but, "Thank God, when we heard the news we were afraid it was our son!" Yep, that many people had a crazy son they either kicked out or who left and they didn't know what he might be doing to who! Seems like some things never change!
Heeeheehee, here's me stereotyping again...but when "weapons" were mentioned, my mind immediately went to swords and knives, a la Lord of the Rings. ;)


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
There's a guy I went to high school with, he's three years older than me. He's never lived away from his mother. He collects comic books and the tiny plastic figures of the comic book characters. He did have a job until the factory closed.....hasn't worked in about 10 years. Sometimes, he does magic tricks downtown where the panhandlers play music for tips. I don't think he's had a date in about 15 years. I guess there's not much attractive about a man in his mid fifties who still lives with mommy and won't work.