Weekly Survey

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
Wakefield Yorkshire England
Weekly Survey, 24 APR 16

2. Why do you think the 24/7 news-cycle focuses on what might happen tomorrow or six weeks from tomorrow?

Having had 50 years on this planet, and being born on Groundhog day. The news bores me to death, because it's the same year in year out, ad nauseam. Take this month for example 'Oooh the weather keeps changing from warm and sunny to p*ssing it down the next!!!" Eeeerm yeah IT'S APRIL it does it every year, that's not news!!!!!


Nov 8, 2010
Under your bed
Shoot, forgot about this. Here goes, off the top of my head:

1. Paper or plastic?

2. Beatles or Stones?

3. Regular or premium?

4. DC or Marvel?

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?

6. Betty or Veronica?

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar?

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
1. Paper or plastic?

Paper, but not many stores have it anymore. Plastic bag drawer in kitchen, who doesn't have one? There they are. Waiting . for something.

2. Beatles or Stones?

Gotta say Beatles, until I listen to Sympathy for the Devil - then I change my mind again.

3. Regular or premium?

Regular, with hints of premium.

4. DC or Marvel?

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?

6. Betty or Veronica?

Betty and Veronica in a death match with Barbie as the ref.

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?


8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?

Eartha Kitt

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar?

C'mon now. Marie rules.

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?

It's calls itself my sister. She still roams.
Last edited:


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
1. Paper or plastic?
2. Beatles or Stones?
3. Regular or premium?
4. DC or Marvel?

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?
6. Betty or Veronica?
7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?
8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?
9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar?
10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
1. Paper or plastic? paper

2. Beatles or Stones? Beatles

3. Regular or premium? Regular

4. DC or Marvel? Neither

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark? N/A

6. Betty or Veronica? Betty

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album? Old

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? Eartha Kitt

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar? Callendar

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived? think I'm still here?


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
1. Paper or plastic?
Paper when I'm feeling virtuous, plastic when I'm in a hurry (easier to carry several bags at once)

2. Beatles or Stones?

3. Regular or premium?


4. DC or Marvel?


5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?

Cap 4eva

6. Betty or Veronica?


7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?

All Metallica

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?


9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Calendar?

Banquet remind me of childhood

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?

A few

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
1. Paper or plastic? Try to use my recycle bags, but more often than not, plastic

2. Beatles or Stones? Beatles

3. Regular or premium? Regular

4. DC or Marvel? DC -- grew up knowing them better

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark? NA

6. Betty or Veronica? I gotta say Betty. veronica is just a mean girl.

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album? Tired crap

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? Julie Newmar

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar? Banquet

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived? It is rumored, yes.


Gentle Lady From Brady Hartsfield Defense Squad
Mar 3, 2016
Manila, Philippines
1. Paper or plastic?
Paper, i hate plastics lol

2. Beatles or Stones?
Can't decide

3. Regular or premium?

4. DC or Marvel?

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?
Team stark (why there's no Team Deadpool LMAO JK)

6. Betty or Veronica?
*Screams* BETTY FOR THE WIIIIN (wait, is this from Archiecomics? I NEED JUGHEAD)

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?
Can't decide

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar?
Marie calendar, c'mon

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?
Do you think i'm a ghost? D:

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013

1. Paper or plastic? paper

2. Beatles or Stones? Beatles

3. Regular or premium? regular

4. DC or Marvel? the Shadow knows

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark? the Shadow knows

6. Betty or Veronica? both :)

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album? I've gotten good results with Brasso

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? both! ;)

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar? you kidding! BOTH!

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?
yes, but two are gone now couple more & moi still here


Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013
1. Paper or plastic? paper

2. Beatles or Stones? Beatles

3. Regular or premium? regular

4. DC or Marvel? Marvel

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark? Stark

6. Betty or Veronica? both

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album? Iron Maiden

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? Kitt

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar? Marie

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived? All still alive.


Say hello to my fishy buddy
Apr 12, 2006
Bremerton, Washington, United States
1. Paper or plastic? Paper!

2. Beatles or Stones? Beatles

3. Regular or premium? Premium

4. DC or Marvel? Marvel (though I was a DC fan when I was younger)

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark? Team Cap

6. Betty or Veronica? Neither

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album? I listen to Prog

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt? Julie

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar? Marie, baby

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived? I'm still not sure


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
1. Paper or plastic?

2. Beatles or Stones?

3. Regular or premium?

4. DC or Marvel?
Which one has Batman?

5. If you said Marvel, are you team Cap, or team Stark?
Which one has Batman?

6. Betty or Veronica?

7. Old Metallica, or that tired crap they've been churning out since the Black Album?
Old.....and only a little of that

8. Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt?
Julie Newmar

9. pot pies: Banquet, or Marie Callendar?
Marie Callendar

10. Did your mother have any kids that lived?
Both of us were born living........my brother died at 26........I'm still here.


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
Paper or Plastic

Beatles or Stones

DC or Marvel

Betty or Veronica

Old Mettalica or that tired crap they've been turning out since the black album

Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt

Pot Pies, Banquet or Marie Callendar

Marie Callendar

Did your mother have any kids that lived?
Just about


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
Weakly Survey. Oh Five, Oh Ate, Sixteen.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
tell me what it means.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?

3. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?

4. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?

5. What was the name of your first pet?

6. Runny eggs?. or hard?

7. Best nickname someone gave you.

8. Ocean or Lake?

9. Eaten to death by an octopus or a shark?

10. At the end of the work day you... do what?
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Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Weakly Survey. Oh Five, Oh Ate, Sixteen.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
tell me what it means.
"Hey Con? Got ay pain meds with you?"=Someone drank WAY too much Jaeger the night before :)

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
A framed picture of a small red bird holding flowers--a gift from a friend

3. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
Last fall, right before I pulled up the plants.

4. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
344.7 mi

5. What was the name of your first pet?
Don't remember

6. Runny eggs?. or hard?
Over medium--the white part has to be fully cooked, but I like runny yolks

7. Best nickname someone gave you.
Yum Yum. Don't ask.

8. Ocean or Lake?
Tough one! Lake.

9. Eaten to death by an octopus or a shark?
Do octopi eat people?! How horrible! I vote shark, if they're big enough to bite me in half and get it over fast.

10. At the end of the work day you... do what?
Make dinner, look online a little, do laundry, help with homework, get people situated for the next day and off to bed...Wait. Is there an end to the work day?

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Weakly Survey. Oh Five, Oh Ate, Sixteen.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
tell me what it means.
...been slept in and eaten out of, was jammed at a warlike angle on...
the head of the local match-seller. (when you're gone someone else will find new uses for your clothing....a Fifth Avenue hat in this case)

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
nothing...unless I also lower it to another stool at the peninsula where I sit

3. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
last fall...October, later than usual I know

4. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
'bout four or five miles

5. What was the name of your first pet?
Barney...that's him in the avatar, beagle...photo taken about a mile or less away from where I am now

6. Runny eggs?. or hard?
scrambled, hard...only those who practice sorcery eat runny eggs.

7. Best nickname someone gave you.
best, hey? have a pile of bad ones...ummm. Salty...guy I worked for in Florida gave me that one.

8. Ocean or Lake?
either one...a stream or creek will do, too

9. Eaten to death by an octopus or a shark?
Octopus...has that Bond feel to it...all that touchy-feely stuff.

10. At the end of the work day you... do what?
get home, check the answering machine, crack a beer open, shuffle paperwork, tend to tools, read the newspaper, go on-line, check e-mail, make supper or eat supper if my wife made it, read, fall asleep on the couch, wake up, tell the wife not one more minute, jump in the shower, hit the sack.


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
tell me what it means.
No book near me.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?

3. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
Years ago.

4. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
About 30 minutes.

5. What was the name of your first pet?
Carlyle, a beautiful long hair black and white cat.

6. Runny eggs?. or hard?
Over easy.

7. Best nickname someone gave you.
Mez. I still go by it.

8. Ocean or Lake?

9. Eaten to death by an octopus or a shark?

10. At the end of the work day you... do what?
I am retited, so I goof off all day long.