What Did You Do Today? What are you doing today? v.2.0

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She-Wolf finally Risen and Strapping On.
Apr 24, 2019





.....now go take a big hot birthday bubble bath. :)


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
Those do look yummy! It took less time than I thought it would, but my craving for sweets is practically non-existent having given them up for several months now. Well, one exception was the birthday cupcake but otherwise natural sugar in fruit has been what's satisfied the sweet tooth. Hopefully that continues once I get down to my goal weight or otherwise I'll be on the upswing of that dieting yo yo I've done all my life.
You got this! And if you slip up, don't sweat it. Just get back on track.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
You got this! And if you slip up, don't sweat it. Just get back on track.
Something I'm trying to tell myself right now as I've hit the dreaded plateau and stayed pretty much the same weight the past couple of weeks in spite of not having eaten anything outside of my daily points allowance. It happens and I know it but still discouraging after more than 3 months of consistently losing every week. It won't last forever, so am taking this as an opportunity to practice maintenance rather than weight loss. :)


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Wow - that is quite an accomplishment - good for you!

What are you doing for activity? Have you been doing any strength training? (I'm just using my stationary bicycle for now)
I've been walking between 2 to 3 miles most days. I do a private yoga class once a week. We've been doing it outside at the recommended social distance so as not to put either of us at greater risk. There is a fitness room at my condo that has free weights, but I haven't been using it since the COVID scare started gaining traction. For me, exercise has never been something that contributes to weight loss. It will, of course, help with toning so still a good thing. The slowdown in weight loss actually coincided with my doing more walking. Maybe I'm building up muscle and toning instead of fat loss now. Plus I'm at that last few pounds before where I ultimately want to be and that's often the hardest to lose.


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
Something I'm trying to tell myself right now as I've hit the dreaded plateau and stayed pretty much the same weight the past couple of weeks in spite of not having eaten anything outside of my daily points allowance. It happens and I know it but still discouraging after more than 3 months of consistently losing every week. It won't last forever, so am taking this as an opportunity to practice maintenance rather than weight loss. :)
Just remember to hydrate.
I'm in the same boat, lost a TON of weight after gastric bypass, got super-skinny, but have now put back on half of what I lost. I'd think it would be easy to lose because I've still got the gastric bypass, but not so. It's nefarious. I'm struggling myself, but I know I'll get there. Lots of protein, staying active, lots of water, and I'll get there. I just have to remember not to beat myself up.

If you want a killer workout, take up belly dancing. I've given birth three times, but I'm still finding muscles I never knew I had. And they all hurt. But it's working for me. Worth a try, eh?


Stark Raving Normal
Mar 23, 2007
Had a busy morning, went to the supermarket at 9am, got some supplies for my father in-law, then went to my mom and sisters grave to tidy it up a bit and put fresh flowers, then went to a chemist/ pharmacy to collect a prescription for my father in-law, then I called down to him to give him the meds and supplies, stayed talking to him for about forty five minutes then headed home. Been watching movies and drinking tea all afternoon and evening.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Just remember to hydrate.
I'm in the same boat, lost a TON of weight after gastric bypass, got super-skinny, but have now put back on half of what I lost. I'd think it would be easy to lose because I've still got the gastric bypass, but not so. It's nefarious. I'm struggling myself, but I know I'll get there. Lots of protein, staying active, lots of water, and I'll get there. I just have to remember not to beat myself up.

If you want a killer workout, take up belly dancing. I've given birth three times, but I'm still finding muscles I never knew I had. And they all hurt. But it's working for me. Worth a try, eh?
I could do better with the hydration as that's always been something I have to remind myself to do especially since coffee isn't supposed to count as part of your daily intake. While I'm in AZ, I do a little better as it's so easy to get dehydrated here and that can set off my vertigo issues but have to balance it with not drinking too much or I get muscle cramps and have to offset with potassium intake.

The same thing happened with my mother after she had gastric bypass. She still struggles with losing weight and never has been able to get back down to her lowest after having had the surgery.

I took belly dancing as a college credit. Was taking the next level just for fun but got pregnant so gave it up, only because of the nausea that was with me all day long for the first four months. It really was a lot of fun as well as being a great workout.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I've been walking between 2 to 3 miles most days. I do a private yoga class once a week. We've been doing it outside at the recommended social distance so as not to put either of us at greater risk. There is a fitness room at my condo that has free weights, but I haven't been using it since the COVID scare started gaining traction. For me, exercise has never been something that contributes to weight loss. It will, of course, help with toning so still a good thing. The slowdown in weight loss actually coincided with my doing more walking. Maybe I'm building up muscle and toning instead of fat loss now. Plus I'm at that last few pounds before where I ultimately want to be and that's often the hardest to lose.
That is probably it - you must be losing inches - I keep my trusty tape measure nearby (wow - that sounded so dorky~!) :p

Even if the scale doesn't move it's nice to see when I've lost an inch off my waist

(But I do need to start incorporating strength training into my routine so I don't get that flabby look after losing weight)

I guess if we ever get back to normal you will be happy to attend meetings again - glad to hear you're sticking with it


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
I could do better with the hydration as that's always been something I have to remind myself to do especially since coffee isn't supposed to count as part of your daily intake. While I'm in AZ, I do a little better as it's so easy to get dehydrated here and that can set off my vertigo issues but have to balance it with not drinking too much or I get muscle cramps and have to offset with potassium intake.

The same thing happened with my mother after she had gastric bypass. She still struggles with losing weight and never has been able to get back down to her lowest after having had the surgery.

I took belly dancing as a college credit. Was taking the next level just for fun but got pregnant so gave it up, only because of the nausea that was with me all day long for the first four months. It really was a lot of fun as well as being a great workout.
Maybe try one of those sports drinks, like Gatoraid zero or Poweraid zero. I drink the poweraid zeroes. They have vitamins and potassium and junk likke that.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Maybe try one of those sports drinks, like Gatoraid zero or Poweraid zero. I drink the poweraid zeroes. They have vitamins and potassium and junk likke that.
Pickle juice helps with the muscle cramps. It's a bit like drinking liquid salt but have been willing to put up with it and only drink it if I'm having a problem. I might give one of the ones you've suggested a try, though. It might be a little easier to swallow--literally. :)


Stark Raving Normal
Mar 23, 2007
Went to the Lidl supermarket this morning at 8am, they had new potted plants and gardening stuff in stock, fairly sizable que but we got in and out in 30 minutes, then I dropped some essentials down to my father in-law and went home. Done sweet F.A. since and am currently lying on my bed contemplating the merit's of having a snooze.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
I emailed someone I haven't talked to in 13 years. Still waiting for him to reply back. I just needed some help with something. We weren't friends or enemies. I'm not really sure what we were. We used to work together. I guess we were just coworkers. If he doesn't wanna talk to me, then I have another friend who can help me.


Flaming Wonder Telepath
May 15, 2018
I emailed someone I haven't talked to in 13 years. Still waiting for him to reply back. I just needed some help with something. We weren't friends or enemies. I'm not really sure what we were. We used to work together. I guess we were just coworkers. If he doesn't wanna talk to me, then I have another friend who can help me.
Can sympathize. Haven't been able to contact one of my elementary school best friends since around the year after he moved away at the end of 6th grade. I didn't have a phone at the time so it was hard keeping in touch, even though I had his number saved to my old iPad. He just stopped responding after awhile, I assume he changed contact info. I remember the last time we talked was over the phone in the October-November timeframe of 2017, I remember this because the new Mario game had just come out and we were talking about the new Mario game. I've had almost 5 years to get over not seeing him every day, but at the same time I still wish I could talk to him every now and then, see how he's doing. He's still in my friends list on my Nintendo Switch, but there's no direct messaging feature on that, so the most I can do is see what games he's playing. I tried using the unconventional method of sending him a postcard in the New Animal crossing game, only to be met with the fact you can only send postcards to friends you've actually played animal crossing with. At least I'm still close with my other best friend from elementary school.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Today I am just trying to stick with my reducing diet without going totally off the rails. I had an immense chocolate craving earlier that I just had to satisfy. I wrote everything down but I'm wondering what is causing this.

Guess I will be back on the old stationary bicycle again this evening in an effort to burn off some more calories.
:m_taichi:(I miss my old Tai Chi class)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Can sympathize. Haven't been able to contact one of my elementary school best friends since around the year after he moved away at the end of 6th grade. I didn't have a phone at the time so it was hard keeping in touch, even though I had his number saved to my old iPad. He just stopped responding after awhile, I assume he changed contact info. I remember the last time we talked was over the phone in the October-November timeframe of 2017, I remember this because the new Mario game had just come out and we were talking about the new Mario game. I've had almost 5 years to get over not seeing him every day, but at the same time I still wish I could talk to him every now and then, see how he's doing. He's still in my friends list on my Nintendo Switch, but there's no direct messaging feature on that, so the most I can do is see what games he's playing. I tried using the unconventional method of sending him a postcard in the New Animal crossing game, only to be met with the fact you can only send postcards to friends you've actually played animal crossing with. At least I'm still close with my other best friend from elementary school.
It's always good to have lots of friends in case someone disappoints you. Sometimes you just drift apart or the basis for the friendship doesn't exist anymore. You moved, graduated, changed jobs or whatever. I have also learned how unreliable email is. You never know when one of your messages gets delivered to someone's junk folder. Sometimes people change email addresses and they have so many friends that they forget to notify some people.