Cool And Amazing Things

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


In the flesh.
Sep 1, 2014
Hmmm. I looked back over what I said and none of it was untrue or even non helpful. Perhaps it was harsh. I apologize. An edit function would help. I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone. I liked the pics- literally even. I haven't any so arty but here is one I liked the color play on. Beauty and the beast (me) then-
Vegas nightkiss__NEW_NEW.jpg
I left it a clickable thumbnail because I haven't resized it.

Aha! Found the edit- only there for awhile I see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Hmmm. I looked back over what I said and none of it was untrue or even non helpful. Perhaps it was harsh. I apologize. An edit function would help. I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone. I liked the pics- literally even. I haven't any so arty but here is one I liked the color play on. Beauty and the beast (me) then-
View attachment 5293
I left it a clickable thumbnail because I haven't resized it.

Aha! Found the edit- only there for awhile I see.
I think the Edit feature is there for 10 minutes after a post is posted.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Another repeat . . .


Good to see again!


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Thank you DJ . . .it calms me and keeps me from saying things that I shouldn't!

. . .if ya know what I mean.

I love Stephen King but I've come to realize that I really don't care much for his fans.

That moon would pull the earth off it's axis but it would be worth it to be able to catipult astronauts to the surface I suppose.

I would have said it's beautiful but I'm a man and it's against the rules.

I find men that can acknowledge beauty the most attractive. It also proves that they have a strength to go against the normal --against what the world dictates.

They are not afraid to be true to themselves. That's a man in my eyes.

. . .but, I'm just a girl . . .so what do I know . . .

YYYYeeeeaaaaahhhhhh. What about a sense of humor? I like both women and men who don't miss that plane when it goes over.

But what do I know... I'm just a King fan. And I don't care whether anyone finds me attractive or not. I did great when I was single- I married the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and she has got my humor for the past 31 years. But hey, since you gave me some advice allow me to impart some- if you are getting a lot of negatives from different people then maybe- just maybe- it's not those other people who are the problem.

I always find the moon beautiful and it's always a marvelous night for a moondance. I just don't feel the need for trite plattitudes about it.

Wow.....this is not the sort of thing I had in mind when I started the original Cool and Amazing thread on the old board.
I have to admit, this sort of thing makes me sad and is really disappointing. :down:
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In the flesh.
Sep 1, 2014
You left out the part where she said she didn't like King fans. I'm sorry you are disappointed. I did apologize. I don't ordinarily to people who question my manhood over a joke. It's not that big a deal to me but since others think it is I'll not darken this thread again. Again I'm sorry. If there is anything else I can do let me know. I truely don't want to upset anyone but find myself at a loss here.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
This is a really old photo of my Papa's family. My Great Granny & Great Grandpa are seated in front. The rest are my Papa and his brothers & sisters.... Papa is on the left in the back row.
I wish I knew how to restore this photo so that Granny doesn't look like an apparition....

Taylor Family.jpg


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
You left out the part where she said she didn't like King fans. I'm sorry you are disappointed. I did apologize. I don't ordinarily to people who question my manhood over a joke. It's not that big a deal to me but since others think it is I'll not darken this thread again. Again I'm sorry. If there is anything else I can do let me know. I truely don't want to upset anyone but find myself at a loss here.
I didn't leave it's in the first quote, highlighted in red. I'm not upset with anyone. I just feel that the entire exchange was unnecessary and hurtful, and wanted to remind everyone what the purpose of this thread is.
Everyone is always welcome here....Please visit the thread often.....but also please post things that you find cool and amazing. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
You left out the part where she said she didn't like King fans. I'm sorry you are disappointed. I did apologize. I don't ordinarily to people who question my manhood over a joke. It's not that big a deal to me but since others think it is I'll not darken this thread again. Again I'm sorry. If there is anything else I can do let me know. I truely don't want to upset anyone but find myself at a loss here.

I didn't leave it's in the first quote, highlighted in red. I'm not upset with anyone. I just feel that the entire exchange was unnecessary and hurtful, and wanted to remind everyone what the purpose of this thread is.
Everyone is always welcome here....Please visit the thread often.....but also please post things that you find cool and amazing. :)
I myself have been anything but perfect at this site, allowing emotion, presumption and overaction, and sometimes a little liquid incentive, I regret to admit, to encourage me to post things I later wish I could remove. Sometimes someone's having a bad day. Way too often it's simply a deficiency in the ability to communicate very well via text alone. Some things I've written, and which everybody has, have been totally misinterpreted. This is sometimes due to a given poster's writing ability, but more often due to what lacks in text which is ultimately required for good communication, facial expression, the way words are sounded, body language. And sometimes people's personal biases and psychological insecurities effect what they're reading. This happened to me not long ago in a way I immediately realized - someone responded to something I posted showing that they thought I was saying something other than what I meant to - and I fear it happens to me at times I'm unaware of.


In the flesh.
Sep 1, 2014
I myself have been anything but perfect at this site, allowing emotion, presumption and overaction, and sometimes a little liquid incentive, I regret to admit, to encourage me to post things I later wish I could remove. Sometimes someone's having a bad day. Way too often it's simply a deficiency in the ability to communicate very well via text alone. Some things I've written, and which everybody has, have been totally misinterpreted. This is sometimes due to a given poster's writing ability, but more often due to what lacks in text which is ultimately required for good communication, facial expression, the way words are sounded, body language. And sometimes people's personal biases and psychological insecurities effect what they're reading. This happened to me not long ago in a way I immediately realized - someone responded to something I posted showing that they thought I was saying something other than what I meant to - and I fear it happens to me at times I'm unaware of.

Indeed. I agree with all of this. I will also take my own advice and listen to others that perhaps I am at fault and not everyone else. I'll bite my tongue next time. Someone named Scratch should not preach anyway.

In the spirit of that and this thread here is one I find appropriate-
