Cool And Amazing Things

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M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I love your very thoughtful and varied photo finds you share with us. MadamMack I see such wonderful new things, or old things looked at a new way.

Thank you DJ . . .it calms me and keeps me from saying things that I shouldn't!

. . .if ya know what I mean.

I love Stephen King but I've come to realize that I really don't care much for his fans.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
That moon would pull the earth off it's axis but it would be worth it to be able to catipult astronauts to the surface I suppose.

I would have said it's beautiful but I'm a man and it's against the rules.

I find men that can acknowledge beauty the most attractive. It also proves that they have a strength to go against the normal --against what the world dictates.

They are not afraid to be true to themselves. That's a man in my eyes.

. . .but, I'm just a girl . . .so what do I know . . .


In the flesh.
Sep 1, 2014
I find men that can acknowledge beauty the most attractive. It also proves that they have a strength to go against the normal --against what the world dictates.

They are not afraid to be true to themselves. That's a man in my eyes.

. . .but, I'm just a girl . . .so what do I know . . .

YYYYeeeeaaaaahhhhhh. What about a sense of humor? I like both women and men who don't miss that plane when it goes over.

But what do I know... I'm just a King fan. And I don't care whether anyone finds me attractive or not. I did great when I was single- I married the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and she has got my humor for the past 31 years. But hey, since you gave me some advice allow me to impart some- if you are getting a lot of negatives from different people then maybe- just maybe- it's not those other people who are the problem.

I always find the moon beautiful and it's always a marvelous night for a moondance. I just don't feel the need for trite plattitudes about it.