If you could write an instruction manual

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
People are always saying that life does not come with instructions. If you could write part of an instruction manual for life, what would you include?
I would include the different ways that could approach the day.
As my daughter used to tell anyone who'd listen, I'd focus on all the Emergency Medical and Fire Safety instructions. She used to hate that I've seen so many things happen that I'd worry about her more than her friends' mothers worried about them. At least according to her. I'd never tell their mothers anything anyway. They all refuse to believe it until AFTER it happens, which is the opposite of what they teach first responders, to take precautions beFORE it occurs bc you might not get a second chance. You might not be blessed with both a before and after.
Her dad used to laugh about those bi-yearly fire drills we practiced. He kept saying "Do you know how unlikely it is that any one of us will even BE in a fire, much less die in one? You're going overboard again," he'd say.
Which is painfully ironic statement now but never mind. I'd rather plan for something that never occurs than NOT plan for something that happens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
If you ever feel the world is against you, nothing is going right, everyone hates you, you can’t get ahead, etc... go volunteer with some organization to help those less fortunate. You will come to appreciate that things in your life aren’t really all that bad.
Agreed! This changed my life when I was all "woe is me".

"Ladies first" is just good manners.

Quite right. I always hold the door open.

Define "door".

Women love a gentleman. Especially if you also use terms of endearment.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
....ahem, allow me-you gorgeous pieces of womanflesh have stunning new avatars!....

Will that be chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin then?



very strange person
Jan 12, 2014
Write an instruction manual how to treat The irish people for the politicans who break promises, cheat rob us blind. Ireland has one of the most corrup bunch of p*****(sorry ms mod) in government. Since the bubble burst we have been promised no more austerity. They lied and will continue to do so. Do you know our Taoiseach(prime minster) is on more Money Then Barack obamas. not to mention holidays 3 months holidays to 'represent' ireland on paddy's day expenses. there are people in my area, for their dinner have bars of choclate or are being made homeless because they can't pay the banks. If the word evil was invented for anything, it was for Irish banks. what this government has done has made me ashamed to be irish. in the world economic forum Bono came on stage to speak and i quote "the irish people were screwed". well this govenrment has forgot what we went through in the great famine, we, the irish people, like a phoneix will rise from the ashes. he he


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Women love a gentleman. Especially if you also use terms of endearment.

It's true!

Whenever I see Grandma's name come up calling in on my cell, I answer with, "Hello, gorgeous." This wasn't quite the same a few days ago when Grandma had the First Granddaughter out shopping. I see the name on the phone.

Me: Hello, Gorgeous.
Granddaughter: Grandpa, it's me calling on Grandma's phone!
Me: Well, you're gorgeous too.

Grandma said she was beaming.