Living Single

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Hey, I guess I can add to this thread now as a "single" person. I can see myself liking it, eventually, with the passage of more time and the healing of my broken heart. I like being in control of the placement of things around the house, to be honest. I'm usually messy by default, but at least now it's only my mess. I don't want to see video game controllers strewn around or giant tangles of wires connected to computers and gaming systems ever again. At least I have a long list of things I know I'm in willing to tolerate if ever I meet someone again. I am holding out hope that I'll find someone great someday, though. I can't help it. I am a hopeless romantic at heart.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
Am I the ONLY single person on this site??


And I'm not complaining about it. This pretty much sums it up ^^^
Marriage and especially kids were never a priority for me and I've stayed single by choice. Dated, had my share of fun when I was younger and now I just feel...settled. In a good way.

I've been single for nearly 9 years and i'd be lying if I said I wasn't lonely, I think about my first girlfriend (the only girl I ever really loved) a lot. In fact, I can't reread Under the Dome because Norrie Calvert reminds me of her.


Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013
Welllllll....not exactly. French mathematician Michel Gauquelin studied astrology and did come up with some interesting correlations. But -- and I say this as a Witch with experience in casting natal charts -- he didn't exactly prove it. Read about it here:

The Gauquelin work 1 (Abstract+Article)
I was reading about him and his studies recently in a book called 'Supernature' by Lyall Watson, which is very good. I was listening to guy who went over to America recently to look at the eclipse and he said it was real weird because the temperature dropped suddenly and animals started acting disturbed.


Bella Donna
Aug 21, 2009
I dated a Dutch lawyer for 7 years. He spoke better German than I did. I must've gone to at least 200 films with that man.

In the movie He's Just Not That Into you, one of the characters says . "You're a **** if you date a girl for too long and don't marry her."
In the end, I ghosted him. Then I went to art school.


The Ayatollah of Rock And Rollah
Sep 12, 2017
The last house on the left
Am I the ONLY single person on this site??


And I'm not complaining about it. This pretty much sums it up ^^^
Marriage and especially kids were never a priority for me and I've stayed single by choice. Dated, had my share of fun when I was younger and now I just feel...settled. In a good way.

No, you aren't. I was married for 8 years and managed to father a couple of awesome sons in the process. In early 2013, the ex wife told me that she was ready to end it. I was in full agreement. We'd just reached a point where we were constantly fighting, with very few "good" days. Ironically, the day she told me she was done was one of the good ones. Anyway, early summer of 2014, I met a lady online and we "dated" about a month and a half. I ended that one. There were 2 reasons. One, we lived about 2 hours from each other and I worked about 3 hours from her (I was commuting about an hour everyday at the time). Two, she was, to put it bluntly, crazy. I know, I know...all guys say women are crazy, but in this case it was all too true. She once pulled a sword on me. And would call me late at night having screaming fits. I just couldn't deal with all that at that point in my life. Fast forward to October 2014. I met (once again online) a beautiful, wonderful, smart, funny lady. We ended up in a serious relationship for nearly 2 years. I was head over heels. Last September, she came to me and told me that she wanted to break up because she felt like we were in different places in our lives. She wasn't wrong. I'd already read the writing on the wall. We still remain friends and she even came to my mom's funeral in March and sat with me. After she and I split up, I had a brief rebound fling with an old high school friend, but it wasn't anything serious and it fizzled out. I've been unattached ever since. I kinda dig it. Do I get lonely sometimes? Sure. But...there's just something liberating about not having to "check in" with someone and doing pretty much what you want, when you want without having to coordinate with a significant other. Anyway...that's my story.


Bella Donna
Aug 21, 2009
One of the hardest things I had to accept after I finished university and started dating more regularly was that a lot of the men in my life were just players. They would flit from one woman to the next without a second thought. Women don't operate that way. We're emotional creatures who develop attachments, no matter how brief the relationship was. We have feelings. They don't just dissipate overnight. Those feelings can linger for months or years after the end of a relationship.


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
One of the hardest things I had to accept after I finished university and started dating more regularly was that a lot of the men in my life were just players. They would flit from one woman to the next without a second thought. Women don't operate that way. We're emotional creatures who develop attachments, no matter how brief the relationship was. We have feelings. They don't just dissipate overnight. Those feelings can linger for months or years after the end of a relationship.
Some men are this way, and some women are this way. You can't lump everyone into these categories.