Make your own Monopoly

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king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
So...instead of building houses...players what? publish stories? and then the big kahuna, prizes? Bram Stoker Award? Man Booker...Pulitzer...zee Nobel Prize. Or autographed books? Can you have a bridge? Maybe a small troll under there, land on the bridge and it's like another jail. Need a small typewriter for a piece. Inkwell. Hospital room spot...need to roll snake eyes to get out. Little Annie character comes in periodically and dresses you down. Have a space for each story? Generate a pile of questions about each need to answer them to..."build houses" on them...or pile em high with awards? I looked at eBay...are they all the same? The places are shaped like a "nut" or the head of a bolt? I'd probably try to combine Monopoly with Trivial Pursuit...collect valuable prizes/save Russian Jews!
which is from a King story though I forget which one exactly. I dunno...meh, probably wouldn't work. Best to accumulate signed copies or sumpin...other players land in your library and they have to answer a question. But how to determine who gets what...the old standby I guess...moolah.
At the time I ordered mine,I seen two different type boxes and I am not sure if the contents are the same or not. I figured I will add things and take other things away. Replace them to be more King themed. just kind of gives me the basic start.

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
At the time I ordered mine,I seen two different type boxes and I am not sure if the contents are the same or not. I figured I will add things and take other things away. Replace them to be more King themed. just kind of gives me the basic start.

Sounds like a fun idea. Would you maybe take images from online? We have a color printer but I don't imagine everyone does...I need it for work...but that would be fun to capture images from the web and use them on the place pieces. You could almost create your own game, too...I guess depending on how many read King stories enough to be familiar with them. Somehow the Tower should figure in the equation, hey? I'd try to make something like Parcheesi...where the Tower is the middle/goal...maybe places on the beam...or the path...maybe have...obstacles there...all the villains...figure out a way to beat each one. Or maybe Denver...Denver is the goal. Pieces go on a spot...find yourself on the beach miles away...

king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
Sounds like a fun idea. Would you maybe take images from online? We have a color printer but I don't imagine everyone does...I need it for work...but that would be fun to capture images from the web and use them on the place pieces. You could almost create your own game, too...I guess depending on how many read King stories enough to be familiar with them. Somehow the Tower should figure in the equation, hey? I'd try to make something like Parcheesi...where the Tower is the middle/goal...maybe places on the beam...or the path...maybe have...obstacles there...all the villains...figure out a way to beat each one. Or maybe Denver...Denver is the goal. Pieces go on a spot...find yourself on the beach miles away...
Sounds like you have a great deal of ideas for something like this. Perhaps you might give it sa try.I need to open my box and really check it out. But was waiting to get several ideas and then go from there. Yes i am sure I will also include images or perhaps drawings and lots of different ideas going through my head. Thinking perhaps i could laminate the board when completed.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
So....two sets of cards to make. Traditional are Chance and Community Chest.

Not sure what to change them to....but those names just won't work.

Maybe Novels and .... Something else. Characters?

Ha- Kanopoly !

One Card (white) serves the beam community chest
One card (red) serves the crimson king- chance

And you gotta have a little metal figure in the shape of the man in black - and two places behind him ... The gunslinger!!!