Star Trek Kwotes and Velosify

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Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I thought as much but, I also thought that was obvious. I will discuss the situation with the Ayko profile as soon as I get a chance. It is not so important right now as long as I only use this one. I will take it up with Ms. Mod and request she just leave the Ayko profile 'dormant' for now.

I was having a difficult time months ago and I was very misunderstood, to nobody's fault at that time. When I tried to return with the Ayko profile using the German Hesse state library computer in the capitol city of Wesbaden, which is also connected to the school system, the entire library network was shut down for a while and it took weeks to restore except for printers that are still out to the public. That was after some dude from Ireland nuked my PC with a loaded USB stick. I now have a new and better computer system and thought it best to come back as Mantor and show you all once again what a great guy I am:cool-new: especially now that I am out of the 'stressful water currents'.
I'm happy to hear that things are better for you now. :)


Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
What's you have in mind, big boy?

I am very pleased you asked that...:cool:

SPOCK: In chess, when one is outmatched, the game is over. Checkmate.
KIRK: Is that your best recommendation Mr. science officer?
SPOCK: I'm so-- I regret that I can find no other logical alternative.
BONES: Assuming we get out of this, Captain--
KIRK: Nobody's given up yet, Doctor!!
BONES: Well, then, about Bailey--
KIRK: That's my decision, Doctor!
BONES: ...and your mistake. You overworked him, pushed him, expected too much from him.
KIRK: I'm ordering you to drop it. I have no time for you, your theories, your quaint philosophies...
BONES: I intend to challenge your actions in my records. I'll state that I warned you about Bailey's condition. Now that's no bluff.
KIRK: Any time you can bluff me, Doctor--
BALOK (in a deep voice): You now have three minutes!
KIRK: All right, Doctor. Let's hope we have time to argue about it...(light bulb!) Not chess, Mister Spock,
poker! Do you know the game?

The Corbomite Maneuver


Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
Oh wow...look at that! I must have been quoting Kirk to Khan and thinking Kate...Mmm, well you know what I mean and you liked it with a click, so there.;;D
In any case, one thing is for sure about Catherine...

'She had sightless eyes
telling me no lie
knockin' me out with those American thighs'
AC/DC You Shook Me (All Night Long)

KIRK: I will never lose you. Never!

The Naked Time


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I thought as much but, I also thought that was obvious. I will discuss the situation with the Ayko profile as soon as I get a chance. It is not so important right now as long as I only use this one. I will take it up with Ms. Mod and request she just leave the Ayko profile 'dormant' for now.

I was having a difficult time months ago and I was very misunderstood, to nobody's fault at that time. When I tried to return with the Ayko profile using the German Hesse state library computer in the capitol city of Wesbaden, which is also connected to the school system, the entire library network was shut down for a while and it took weeks to restore except for printers that are still out to the public. That was after some dude from Ireland nuked my PC with a loaded USB stick. I now have a new and better computer system and thought it best to come back as Mantor and show you all once again what a great guy I am:cool-new: especially now that I am out of the 'stressful water currents'.
Did you see Stephen on his Germany tour.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I am very pleased you asked that...:cool:

SPOCK: In chess, when one is outmatched, the game is over. Checkmate.
KIRK: Is that your best recommendation Mr. science officer?
SPOCK: I'm so-- I regret that I can find no other logical alternative.
BONES: Assuming we get out of this, Captain--
KIRK: Nobody's given up yet, Doctor!!
BONES: Well, then, about Bailey--
KIRK: That's my decision, Doctor!
BONES: ...and your mistake. You overworked him, pushed him, expected too much from him.
KIRK: I'm ordering you to drop it. I have no time for you, your theories, your quaint philosophies...
BONES: I intend to challenge your actions in my records. I'll state that I warned you about Bailey's condition. Now that's no bluff.
KIRK: Any time you can bluff me, Doctor--
BALOK (in a deep voice): You now have three minutes!
KIRK: All right, Doctor. Let's hope we have time to argue about it...(light bulb!) Not chess, Mister Spock,
poker! Do you know the game?

The Corbomite Maneuver
That's my all-time favorite Star Trek ep!!!


Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
Did you see Stephen on his Germany tour.
I sure the newspaper:onthego:

Actually, Dana Jean, I was up to my eyeballs in work and I am still cleaning up a mess some people try to keep filthy. Unfortunately, I could not shake the hand of Stephen and let him buy me a camera and a coke or two but, I am sure he will have another chance.:hammer: (Now what looks silly and what looks scary?)

I did get to personally converse about Star Wars with George Lucas who was here for a convention last May. That was more than cool, and he loved my suggestions for any potential future Star Wars projects...and no, he was not drunk.:stupid:


Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
That's my all-time favorite Star Trek ep!!!
...and proof that Spock could not have had anything to do with creating the 'no win Kobayashi Maru scenario test'...and the third unofficial Star Trek pilot episode (Where No Man Has Gone Before was the third episode aired in the 60s), The Corbomite Maneuver the first.

SPOCK: In chess, when one is outmatched, the game is over. Checkmate.
KIRK: Is that your best recommendation Mr. science officer?
SPOCK: I'm so-- I regret that I can find no other logical alternative.
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Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
KHAN: Kirk...Kirk, my old friend. Don't you know the Klingon proverb which says revenge is a dish best served cold?! It is very space.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Worf: Klingons never bluff!

an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation


Deema sidekick
Jul 31, 2014
SPOCK: Miss Uhura, your last sub space log contained an error in the frequencies column.
UHURA: Mister Spock, sometimes I think if I hear that word frequency once more, I'll cry.
UHURA: I was just trying to start a conversation.
SPOCK: Well, since it is illogical for a communications officer to resent the word frequency, I have no answer.
UHURA: No, you have an answer. I'm an illogical woman who's beginning to feel too much a part of that communications console. Why don't you tell me I'm an attractive young lady, or ask me if I've ever been in love? Tell me how your planet Vulcan looks on a lazy evening when the moon is full.
SPOCK: Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura.
UHURA: I'm not surprised, Mister Spock.

The Man Trap
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