This is so hard........

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Van Blaricum

Deleted User
Oct 28, 2014
I hear you, OP. It is such a heart breaking feeling to want to care for and help all the needy animals that cross our paths, and know we are not able to do everything we wished we could.

Ten years ago, I knew a girl and when I went to her apartment I discovered that she was, due to drug and alcohol abuse and plain old immaturity, neglecting and abusing her two cats. They were hungry little bags of bones, scared of their own shadows, not to mention they had no litter box and were living in a room full of their own excrement.

I took them away. No one got a choice about it. I threatened to go ape wild and call the animal abuse investigators and let them deal with it if I was not able to take the cats. Now they are my cats and they get all the food and treats and ear scratches a cat could want.

I still see all the time many needy animals and I want to or wish I could take each and every one home, but I know that I can't and that everyone has their limits. I just try to tell myself that it is good the animals have a friend like me and that I am doing the best that I can.

With that, the animals are lucky to have a friend like you, and you are doing the best you can! Bless your heart.

P.s. Community food shelves now often stock donated pet food for people whose pets are in need!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
OOOPS. I meant to say...I cannot take anymore cats into my home because I have five cats which were stray in here now. Two are not well...and they would be distressed to have another strange cat this house is rented...and my landlord is very understanding about the cats...but I really do not wish to push it. Even so....I was thinking of closing off the kitty litter room which is the tool room connecting to the cold storage room...and thinking about removing the litter from that area to........cripes ...whereever...and then....oh gawd I go again.

That soundss so familiar, Staro- Special needs cats already in the home, stress factors- more strays appear- mind grinds the wheels, what room cav I divide off with a door, what can I re do to accommodate one more...........


Free spirit. Curly girl. Cookie eater. Proud SJW.
Aug 19, 2006
Kansas City

May I ask what you would think about the following scenario (Not me):

I saw a cat. I just fell in love with it at first sight and had to have it. I found out the cat belonged to a neighbor. The neighbor is an alcoholic, does not work and has no family. He is feeding the cat with his food stamps allotment. He loves the cat and the cat is his only friend. The cat is fed and well taken care of but...I want that cat. I went over and talked to the neighbor telling him I want his cat. He replied the cat is his only friend. However, knowing he is strapped for cash and is an alcoholic, I offered him fifty dollars. He... thought about it a minute or two... and agreed. I got the cat!

Thoughts, please.

How about "Keep the cat, but invite your neighbor over for dinner every once in a while. Be a friend. He can see the cat, and he gets a friend, and you get a friend." Not that hard, is it?

P.S. He/she didn't steal the cat, but rather offered the neighbor money. The neighbor had the ability to refuse and chose not to. Sometimes I think that in our desire to protect people, we infantilize them. Though it's usually meant well, that can be condescending and patronizing. Even the very poor and drug-addicted have the right to run their lives as they see fit as long as they don't harm others. My 2cp.


Richard Bachman's love child
Nov 28, 2006
I hear you, OP. It is such a heart breaking feeling to want to care for and help all the needy animals that cross our paths, and know we are not able to do everything we wished we could.

Ten years ago, I knew a girl and when I went to her apartment I discovered that she was, due to drug and alcohol abuse and plain old immaturity, neglecting and abusing her two cats. They were hungry little bags of bones, scared of their own shadows, not to mention they had no litter box and were living in a room full of their own excrement.

I took them away. No one got a choice about it. I threatened to go ape wild and call the animal abuse investigators and let them deal with it if I was not able to take the cats. Now they are my cats and they get all the food and treats and ear scratches a cat could want.

I still see all the time many needy animals and I want to or wish I could take each and every one home, but I know that I can't and that everyone has their limits. I just try to tell myself that it is good the animals have a friend like me and that I am doing the best that I can.

With that, the animals are lucky to have a friend like you, and you are doing the best you can! Bless your heart.

P.s. Community food shelves now often stock donated pet food for people whose pets are in need!
Thank you for stepping in. Kindness is a precious commodity.


Free spirit. Curly girl. Cookie eater. Proud SJW.
Aug 19, 2006
Kansas City
I have a stray cat in my garage. He is youngish and very thin. Becky and I have plugged in a space heater to keep him from freezing to death. God knows how much this power bill is gonna cost. He is comfortable but I am enraged that people are so heartless about their pets. They should be taken to the stocks. This casual sort of neglect should be punishable by law. Damn you all who take on pets and then turn your backs on them. Becky took a pic to put in Kijiji. I am hoping someone will claim him or want him. He is sleeping 24/7 because he did not get the chance to when he was cold and hungry, I suppose. When he did awaken, he ate and played with a toy mouse.
He might have run off, you know. Got lost after a move. Might actually be feral. Anything is possible. My husband and I had a semi-feral house cat (we had adopted her from a rescue as a kitten, and she was not allowed outside, but she was one that was always a little wild and never quite domesticated) run away once while we were moving. We tried to get her back, including traps. It didn't work. We never saw her again. We didn't do it on purpose; it still makes me very sad to think about it.

Many people are cruel to their pets. But many more are not. And some people who treat their pets poorly do so out of ignorance, not intent. It's worth remembering that, I think. Most people really, truly love their pets.

If it comes down to it, remember that in very bad weather, a shelter is much preferable to starving and freezing. I know it's hard to not take them all in. But I think we have to think of it like the starfish story: "I made a difference to that one."


Free spirit. Curly girl. Cookie eater. Proud SJW.
Aug 19, 2006
Kansas City
I would have 50 cats here if I could. But, the limit is two furry friends per household.
At one time we had seven. That ... was a bit much. We have three now, although technically we're only supposed to have two. (I know, I know ... I guess that takes me from "lawful good" to "neutral good.")


Richard Bachman's love child
Nov 28, 2006
He might have run off, you know. Got lost after a move. Might actually be feral. Anything is possible. My husband and I had a semi-feral house cat (we had adopted her from a rescue as a kitten, and she was not allowed outside, but she was one that was always a little wild and never quite domesticated) run away once while we were moving. We tried to get her back, including traps. It didn't work. We never saw her again. We didn't do it on purpose; it still makes me very sad to think about it.

Many people are cruel to their pets. But many more are not. And some people who treat their pets poorly do so out of ignorance, not intent. It's worth remembering that, I think. Most people really, truly love their pets.

If it comes down to it, remember that in very bad weather, a shelter is much preferable to starving and freezing. I know it's hard to not take them all in. But I think we have to think of it like the starfish story: "I made a difference to that one."
He is not feral. He has been in a home. Let us hope that someone recognizes him online.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you

May I ask what you would think about the following scenario (Not me):

I saw a cat. I just fell in love with it at first sight and had to have it. I found out the cat belonged to a neighbor. The neighbor is an alcoholic, does not work and has no family. He is feeding the cat with his food stamps allotment. He loves the cat and the cat is his only friend. The cat is fed and well taken care of but...I want that cat. I went over and talked to the neighbor telling him I want his cat. He replied the cat is his only friend. However, knowing he is strapped for cash and is an alcoholic, I offered him fifty dollars. He... thought about it a minute or two... and agreed. I got the cat!

Thoughts, please.


Drinking is NOT fun. I found a rescue for my Maggie. DVGRR. Broke my heart so see her go I think of her every day. I just know she is happy with her new family They will give her what I could not

Oh she had many toys and many snuggles I am still finding them hidden
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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Our dog was abused also. Cool story though, I'm long winded as pretty much anyone on the board can attest to, so I apologize in advance. About five years ago my wife and our son, he was about 5 years old at the time, wore me down till I agreed to get a dog. I'm the stoic one in the family. Anyway, we pick a Saturday and head to the local animal shelter. We walked out into the dog shelter area, the first thing that hits you is the noise. There are lots of dogs barking and I'm sure they are all riled up being around so many other dogs. We're proceeding from one holding area to another looking at all the dogs. I'm starting to feel like a jerk because I want to take them ALL home at this point, picking one seems to be impossible. In one particular holding area, there were three or four medium sized dogs all jumping around and barking, but over to the side, not making any noise at all was this thin, scared looking dog who looked, and I'm not kidding here, her eyes looked older than she appeared. She looked scared but at the same time, resigned. My son walked right up to the cage, and put his hand up to her, she licked his hand then just sat down and looked at all three of us. My son made the decision right then and there. He turned around and told us he wanted this dog. We asked him if he wanted to keep looking around, he was resolute, this was going to be his dog. We asked the shelter attendant to bring the dog into the side room to see what her temperament was. The shelter has an area where you can play with the animal and just how what its temperament is like. They took us into the room then the shelter attendant brought her in. She walked over to Daniel, laid down on her side and started licking his face like she'd just been waiting on him to get there. That was that. They told us she was about a year old and had been found wandering in one of the neighborhoods in the middle of the city. We got the paperwork all done, $35.00 for shots and neutering, can't beat that. We went and picked her up about three days later once they were done with her. We asked my son what he wanted to name her when we picked her up. "Bailey" he said without any hesitation. He told us he'd been thinking about that name ever since he played with her at the shelter. I asked him why "Bailey", he said he didn't know, he just liked that name...weird....anyway, five years later and I'll be completely honest, Bailey is the fourth member of our family, make no mistake about it. She follows Daniel to and from his room, the kitchen, outside, inside, wherever. She's never acted up, or tore up anything in our house. My wife taught her how to ring the string of small bells we have tied to the back door when she wants to go out. She's a very smart dog and her temperament is like nothing I've ever seen. She's calm and having a home seems to have been all she ever wanted. She's gained some weight, we could see all of her ribs when we brought her home...not so much now:) One day a few years back I was getting one of my belts out of the closet while cleaning it out. Bailey was on the bed behind me watching, I turned around and tossed the belt onto the bed. I heard her yelp like she'd fell or been hit. By the time I turned around, she had crawled under the bed and was shivering. At first I thought she had fallen or had been injured. Turned was the belt. At some point she must have been hit by some a$$hat with a belt. She's terrified of them. I felt terrible about it but since then I've gone out of my way to make sure she doesn't see any belts. I just wish I could pay a visit to the person who hit her with one. Some people are just terrible.
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Now you've got me all teary eyed - that was such a nice story and beautiful pictures too - thanks for sharing it with us ghost19

It looks like Bailey has perhaps a bit of Jack Russell terrier in her!
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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Our dog was abused also. Cool story though, I'm long winded as pretty much anyone on the board can attest to, so I apologize in advance. About five years ago my wife and our son, he was about 5 years old at the time, wore me down till I agreed to get a dog. I'm the stoic one in the family. Anyway, we pick a Saturday and head to the local animal shelter. We walked out into the dog shelter area, the first thing that hits you is the noise. There are lots of dogs barking and I'm sure they are all riled up being around so many other dogs. We're proceeding from one holding area to another looking at all the dogs. I'm starting to feel like a jerk because I want to take them ALL home at this point, picking one seems to be impossible. In one particular holding area, there were three or four medium sized dogs all jumping around and barking, but over to the side, not making any noise at all was this thin, scared looking dog who looked, and I'm not kidding here, her eyes looked older than she appeared. She looked scared but at the same time, resigned. My son walked right up to the cage, and put his hand up to her, she licked his hand then just sat down and looked at all three of us. My son made the decision right then and there. He turned around and told us he wanted this dog. We asked him if he wanted to keep looking around, he was resolute, this was going to be his dog. We asked the shelter attendant to bring the dog into the side room to see what her temperament was. The shelter has an area where you can play with the animal and just how what its temperament is like. They took us into the room then the shelter attendant brought her in. She walked over to Daniel, laid down on her side and started licking his face like she'd just been waiting on him to get there. That was that. They told us she was about a year old and had been found wandering in one of the neighborhoods in the middle of the city. We got the paperwork all done, $35.00 for shots and neutering, can't beat that. We went and picked her up about three days later once they were done with her. We asked my son what he wanted to name her when we picked her up. "Bailey" he said without any hesitation. He told us he'd been thinking about that name ever since he played with her at the shelter. I asked him why "Bailey", he said he didn't know, he just liked that name...weird....anyway, five years later and I'll be completely honest, Bailey is the fourth member of our family, make no mistake about it. She follows Daniel to and from his room, the kitchen, outside, inside, wherever. She's never acted up, or tore up anything in our house. My wife taught her how to ring the string of small bells we have tied to the back door when she wants to go out. She's a very smart dog and her temperament is like nothing I've ever seen. She's calm and having a home seems to have been all she ever wanted. She's gained some weight, we could see all of her ribs when we brought her home...not so much now:) One day a few years back I was getting one of my belts out of the closet while cleaning it out. Bailey was on the bed behind me watching, I turned around and tossed the belt onto the bed. I heard her yelp like she'd fell or been hit. By the time I turned around, she had crawled under the bed and was shivering. At first I thought she had fallen or had been injured. Turned was the belt. At some point she must have been hit by some a$$hat with a belt. She's terrified of them. I felt terrible about it but since then I've gone out of my way to make sure she doesn't see any belts. I just wish I could pay a visit to the person who hit her with one. Some people are just terrible.
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great pictures and great story. It was just meant to be. That's how love is.


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
Our dog was abused also. Cool story though, I'm long winded as pretty much anyone on the board can attest to, so I apologize in advance. About five years ago my wife and our son, he was about 5 years old at the time, wore me down till I agreed to get a dog. I'm the stoic one in the family. Anyway, we pick a Saturday and head to the local animal shelter. We walked out into the dog shelter area, the first thing that hits you is the noise. There are lots of dogs barking and I'm sure they are all riled up being around so many other dogs. We're proceeding from one holding area to another looking at all the dogs. I'm starting to feel like a jerk because I want to take them ALL home at this point, picking one seems to be impossible. In one particular holding area, there were three or four medium sized dogs all jumping around and barking, but over to the side, not making any noise at all was this thin, scared looking dog who looked, and I'm not kidding here, her eyes looked older than she appeared. She looked scared but at the same time, resigned. My son walked right up to the cage, and put his hand up to her, she licked his hand then just sat down and looked at all three of us. My son made the decision right then and there. He turned around and told us he wanted this dog. We asked him if he wanted to keep looking around, he was resolute, this was going to be his dog. We asked the shelter attendant to bring the dog into the side room to see what her temperament was. The shelter has an area where you can play with the animal and just how what its temperament is like. They took us into the room then the shelter attendant brought her in. She walked over to Daniel, laid down on her side and started licking his face like she'd just been waiting on him to get there. That was that. They told us she was about a year old and had been found wandering in one of the neighborhoods in the middle of the city. We got the paperwork all done, $35.00 for shots and neutering, can't beat that. We went and picked her up about three days later once they were done with her. We asked my son what he wanted to name her when we picked her up. "Bailey" he said without any hesitation. He told us he'd been thinking about that name ever since he played with her at the shelter. I asked him why "Bailey", he said he didn't know, he just liked that name...weird....anyway, five years later and I'll be completely honest, Bailey is the fourth member of our family, make no mistake about it. She follows Daniel to and from his room, the kitchen, outside, inside, wherever. She's never acted up, or tore up anything in our house. My wife taught her how to ring the string of small bells we have tied to the back door when she wants to go out. She's a very smart dog and her temperament is like nothing I've ever seen. She's calm and having a home seems to have been all she ever wanted. She's gained some weight, we could see all of her ribs when we brought her home...not so much now:) One day a few years back I was getting one of my belts out of the closet while cleaning it out. Bailey was on the bed behind me watching, I turned around and tossed the belt onto the bed. I heard her yelp like she'd fell or been hit. By the time I turned around, she had crawled under the bed and was shivering. At first I thought she had fallen or had been injured. Turned was the belt. At some point she must have been hit by some a$$hat with a belt. She's terrified of them. I felt terrible about it but since then I've gone out of my way to make sure she doesn't see any belts. I just wish I could pay a visit to the person who hit her with one. Some people are just terrible.
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Sir, that was fantastic! Never mind that I cried. Very cool.

Thanks for the pics.
