What's the Difference Between the SKMB and Facebook SK?

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And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
FB is a good place for me to talk to myself without bothering anyone. I'm obsessed with memes, quotes, art and music, and I can post what I want when I want without irritating the hell out of anyone. It's my quiet little corner of the net to go and hide. I have friends and followers, but not many, and since I use a pseudonym, there is no family around to judge me for my life choices. The people who stick around seem to enjoy my babbles, and I enjoy theirs. I can follow things like witchcraft, athiesm, and furries and no one bats an eye. I can be my morbid, goth little self and no one tells me to "cheer up already".
Here on the MB, it's more like family. You keep your foul mouthed trap shut, for one, and you don't exactly share the things that make nice folks go "hurk" in their mouths. But you can share the deep stuff, and the people who stick around are real King fans. We can have actual discussions about his work. Y'all are here for each other, too. You share in each other's joy and sorrow, some of you have actually met, and many of you have known one another for years. There is a reality and a depth to this place that can't be found elsewhere on the net.
At the end of the day, I enjoy both sides. There's good and bad to both, but put together they make a great home for someone like me.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
FB is a good place for me to talk to myself without bothering anyone. I'm obsessed with memes, quotes, art and music, and I can post what I want when I want without irritating the hell out of anyone. It's my quiet little corner of the net to go and hide. I have friends and followers, but not many, and since I use a pseudonym, there is no family around to judge me for my life choices. The people who stick around seem to enjoy my babbles, and I enjoy theirs. I can follow things like witchcraft, athiesm, and furries and no one bats an eye. I can be my morbid, goth little self and no one tells me to "cheer up already".
Here on the MB, it's more like family. You keep your foul mouthed trap shut, for one, and you don't exactly share the things that make nice folks go "hurk" in their mouths. But you can share the deep stuff, and the people who stick around are real King fans. We can have actual discussions about his work. Y'all are here for each other, too. You share in each other's joy and sorrow, some of you have actually met, and many of you have known one another for years. There is a reality and a depth to this place that can't be found elsewhere on the net.
At the end of the day, I enjoy both sides. There's good and bad to both, but put together they make a great home for someone like me.
....baby girl......that was hella well stated......