Discussion- The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

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cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Hi all!

My pick for tonight was The Canterville Ghost. I had read it before, a few years ago around Halloween. I really like the story.

I like how determined the ghost is to scare the new occupants off. And I like the run down of his repertoire of costumes, characters, scary people he had "been" before, and had been successful with! There is excellent humor in his determination and indignation at failing to scare anyone. The playful mischief of the 2 boys in the house just adds to the fun.

And then the very sweet, heartfelt resolution.

This is my favorite line...
He was sitting by the window, watching the ruined gold of the yellowing trees fly through the air, and the red leaves dancing down the long avenue.

This is the perfect time of year to read this story! The leaves are starting to turn but have not yet begun to fall in my world, but this line just screams fall to me. So beautiful

What did you all think?


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Really enjoyed this story. A first read for me. It was enjoyable, and yes, this time of year is a perfect time to read it. I like stories set in foreign lands. One point that stood out , to me, was the difference between the America family being "practical" , and the British dealing in tradition. ( the blood stain held a significance to the British, yet needed to be removed by the American)

I loved when Virginia took pity on Sir Simon. His catching a cold was "interesting". The resolution was perfect---- forgiveness, wish fulfilled.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
This was a fantastic little story. A first read for me, too.

Quite snooty British and stuffy language which can work or can fail. This worked! Charming.

I loved how the Americans were all about the products to take care of all the irritating and unfortunate things. The story was like a New York advertising agency selling its wares.

And instead of a stigmata, this story had a phantasmata with the blood stains, created with Virginia's paints.

And the poor ghost! Trying so hard to live up to his reputation!

And it took one good deed in this weary world to help Sir Simon find his final rest after his wife's brothers starved him to death.

Great choice, cat!
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