Funny things kids say and do.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017

Nane Da means: Can i have a Banana for Dessert ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
I teach CGS on Sunday mornings. This past Sunday I had to sit with the little little kids for a while - 3, 4 and 5 year olds. We've got an event coming up - Kite Day, so I was asking the kids if they were planning on coming to fly kites. One very solemn little girl said to me : "I don't fly".

It's been cracking me up all week. I told her to come to Kite Day and I'd teach her!

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
I teach CGS on Sunday mornings. This past Sunday I had to sit with the little little kids for a while - 3, 4 and 5 year olds. We've got an event coming up - Kite Day, so I was asking the kids if they were planning on coming to fly kites. One very solemn little girl said to me : "I don't fly".

It's been cracking me up all week. I told her to come to Kite Day and I'd teach her!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
2 year old granddaughter was very hungry and very tired. I was trying to get lunch ready. She comes in the kitchen, puts her hand at her forehead and says “I don’t feel well, but I don’t have a temper”. I asked her what was wrong and she said “my belly is old and rusty”
That is adorable! :laugh:

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I watch 2 little boys. I've watched them since they were newborns. One is now 7 and the youngest is 4. The little one just started preschool, so I don't see them every week like I used to. I miss them so much, but still watch them during school days off and will get to watch them all summer. And every month, I get to watch them one night so mom and dad can do date night.

The last date night, mom told me that they needed to get to bed early because the next day was a school day. So, I get them ready for bed and get them in there and I'm laying with them, talking with them, winding down the day and the little one turns to me and says,

"I love you Nanny Dana. I think about you all the time."

Of course, my heart melts and I tell him how much I love him and how I miss him and think about him all the time and wonder what he is doing.

It's quiet for a minute. And then the little one says, naming his big brother, "Billy doesn't think about you at all."

bwhaohaohaoha! I laughed out loud. And the older brother got these big eyes and was highly insulted and yelled, "That's not true! He's a liar!" We then had a 10 minute rant from the older one how the little one is this unbelievable liar. So, we had to have a discussion about labeling people falsely.

bwhoehoah! I love these babies.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
I watch 2 little boys. I've watched them since they were newborns. One is now 7 and the youngest is 4. The little one just started preschool, so I don't see them every week like I used to. I miss them so much, but still watch them during school days off and will get to watch them all summer. And every month, I get to watch them one night so mom and dad can do date night.

The last date night, mom told me that they needed to get to bed early because the next day was a school day. So, I get them ready for bed and get them in there and I'm laying with them, talking with them, winding down the day and the little one turns to me and says,

"I love you Nanny Dana. I think about you all the time."

Of course, my heart melts and I tell him how much I love him and how I miss him and think about him all the time and wonder what he is doing.

It's quiet for a minute. And then the little one says, naming his big brother, "Billy doesn't think about you at all."

bwhaohaohaoha! I laughed out loud. And the older brother got these big eyes and was highly insulted and yelled, "That's not true! He's a liar!" We then had a 10 minute rant from the older one how the little one is this unbelievable liar. So, we had to have a discussion about labeling people falsely.

bwhoehoah! I love these babies.

cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
This isn't so much haha funny as exasperatingly funny.

Last year, Alison had a paper to write in either English or Lit, I can't remember which. Circumstances led her to writing an email to a Harvard professor. He was nice enough to answer her email and provide her with the info she was looking for.

A few weeks ago she tells me that the professor emailed her again, asking how she did on her paper and he asked her to forward a copy to him so he could read it. She did.

I just asked her a few days ago if she ever heard back from him again, and she said yes. (Completely nonchalantly.) I said what did he say?? She said, he told me it was a good paper and thanked me for sending him a copy.

I was pretty excited by this point so I asked to read the email from the professor. She said, Oh I already deleted it.

WHAT?!?! A Harvard professor told my 8th grade daughter she had written a good paper and she DELETED it. Because, you know...that kind of stuff happens every day.


Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Wow, no one has posted in this thread for a long time!! I am resurrecting it. This isn't so much haha funny as exasperatingly funny.

Last year, Alison had a paper to write in either English or Lit, I can't remember which. Circumstances led her to writing an email to a Harvard professor. He was nice enough to answer her email and provide her with the info she was looking for.

A few weeks ago she tells me that the professor emailed her again, asking how she did on her paper and he asked her to forward a copy to him so he could read it. She did.

I just asked her a few days ago if she ever heard back from him again, and she said yes. (Completely nonchalantly.) I said what did he say?? She said, he told me it was a good paper and thanked me for sending him a copy.

I was pretty excited by this point so I asked to read the email from the professor. She said, Oh I already deleted it.

WHAT?!?! A Harvard professor told my 8th grade daughter she had written a good paper and she DELETED it. Because, you know...that kind of stuff happens every day.

Oh my lord! That is so awesome and inspiring. And she deleted it. F**k. I'd have that thing framed and hanging over my head if some brainiac told me that.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Wow, no one has posted in this thread for a long time!! I am resurrecting it. This isn't so much haha funny as exasperatingly funny.

Last year, Alison had a paper to write in either English or Lit, I can't remember which. Circumstances led her to writing an email to a Harvard professor. He was nice enough to answer her email and provide her with the info she was looking for.

A few weeks ago she tells me that the professor emailed her again, asking how she did on her paper and he asked her to forward a copy to him so he could read it. She did.

I just asked her a few days ago if she ever heard back from him again, and she said yes. (Completely nonchalantly.) I said what did he say?? She said, he told me it was a good paper and thanked me for sending him a copy.

I was pretty excited by this point so I asked to read the email from the professor. She said, Oh I already deleted it.

WHAT?!?! A Harvard professor told my 8th grade daughter she had written a good paper and she DELETED it. Because, you know...that kind of stuff happens every day.


OH OH OH-- that could have been used for college entrance info!