Not a chance. If it was that or be fired...well they can only do it once, and I'd probably stand a good chance of winning at any tribunal seeing as it'd amount to 'I was sacked for refusing a surgical procedure'. Doesn't matter how minor it might be, that's still what it is. And what happens if or when you change jobs anyway? Do they just get to transfer 'ownership'?
We're not drones. We might agree to work for a corporation (just as they agree to hire us), but that doesn't make us their property. Microchipping employees seems like a short hop away from that, even though the first step appears to be benign enough. They always do. Next thing would probably be the National Paranoia Agencies ("Working in our own self-interest and those of our corporate sponsors and owners! Protect You! Or something...") insisting upon it for all citizens because "national security".
How about nah? Or, if it really has to happen, they stop pretending we're free in any meaningful sense of the word? (I mean, yeah, it's BS anyway - try telling them you're free and want no part of the System; see how far you get - but even so...)
As for
skimom2's point re: debit and credit cards, yeah it's possible, but it's also possible to leave them at home/elsewhere. Ditto for phones, tablets, laptops, whatever. Not so easy if the damn thing's in your hand or arm.
Maddie - yep, cover the camera and whisper. The day will probably soon come when that'll be enough to see a SWAT team hoof your door in and for you to be arrested on suspicion of being a terrorist (or just shot outright, right? Maybe even through your door).
"Why are you covering the camera? Why are you trying to hide what you're saying? Why would you do that, if you really are an honest, law-abiding citizen? No answer, huh? THREAT! TERRORIST! Off to the cells with you!"
And yeah. Echo and Echo Dot. Not on your nelly. If a govt went "We want you to have this thing in your home. All it does is listen to everything you say, record it and report back so we the algorithms, yeah. That's it. Oh, and you can order stuff, too", 99.9% of people would tell them to do one. Because it's a nice, cuddly corporation(!), with none of the checks and balances govt generally has and a space (online) where no Constitution really applies ("What? Us, an American company? Why, no. We're global...and our US offices don't handle this stuff. Still a US company? Well, prove it, because we have documentation that proves otherwise..."), people wet themselves and rush to get one.
They can poke 'online' fridges, too. I have eyes. I can see if I'm running out of stuff. I don't need a reminder sent to my phone or inbox, and it'll be a very cold day in Hell indeed before my fridge has access to my bank account so it can order sh!t for me! I mean, Christ, how lazy and passive do they want us/people want to become?