Pet Peeves

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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
My pet peeve is drivers who aren't me.
They always pull out in front of me, then turn 1/2 mile down the road.
They're always driving WAY too slowly.
They won't get out of the way to let me merge onto the Interstate.
They drive 15 miles under the speed limit on the two-lane road; then when it turns into a four-lane, they go the actual speed limit.
They drive slowly in the fast lane so I have to pass them on the right.
And did I say how slowly they drive????????
Especially in the morning on the way to work (and I am rushing to get there!)


Vampire Goddess & Consumer of men's souls.
Jul 25, 2013
New Jersey
i hate it when you are waiting for a parking space and the other person knows but they whip their car right into it anyway and cut you off.

or when you're about to pull in to said space and some loser pulls through from the other side..... i swear, that makes me want to beat the sh*t out of them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
I would say for me.My biggest pet peeve is when someone folds up papers. Like my husband with his check stubs. The children's homework. I like to keep my paper work unfolded and neatly taken care of.
Ugh - my boss does this with 10,000 expense receipts every month. Which I then have to unfold, tape down and copy - thank you IRS guidelines.

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Pencils whose lead slips out of the wood when you're sharpening the point with your knife. One of those unexplained mysteries...this get dropped too many times I wonder? They need to tighten The Code on pencil manufacture? Some over-worked machine in Muncie, Indiana distraught over the unwashed coffee-maker in the break room? What? Do they make pencils in Muncie? Yeah, give me a handful of those Number-Two Muncies. Top-notch for me, nothing but the best. Or one more recent...say you're about to nail something w/the nail-gun, you've got the tip of the nailer just-so...a helper is straining, pushing on a stud, and you're about to pull the trigger to pin it in place? Out of nails. You and the help are all set to participate in a moment of glee...nailed that sucker...this is what separates the men from the boys, yes sir...they don't build 2x4s like they used-too...and you run out of nails.


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
Naughty pet...but extremely funny. harsh language. Don't open if you're easily offended.


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
Another pet peeve... when somebody uses the three dots of death... (elipses)... as their only punctuation... in a post or an email... and even in some written works I've seen... it drives me NUTS... I can't read whatever it is... even if it's from someone I dearly love... like a relative... I hate it.