Just got my official email for the book event in SLC tomorrow:
We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with Stephen King on Friday night!
When approaching Juan Diego Catholic High School from 11800 South, enter the driveways and proceed to the parking lots which are located to the west and south of the school. The only doors that may be used to enter the venue will be marked with signage indicating the event.
The auditorium doors will open at 6:30 pm and Mr. King will start promptly at 7 pm.
Please do not camp overnight or gather at school entrances prior to 5 pm. Violators may be escorted off the school property.
Juan Diego Catholic High School is private property; No Ticket Scalping Allowed.
The part that gets me is the no gathering before 5pm. With a venue that big and GA seating, I'm anticipating
chaos right around 5pm. I hope I'm wrong and that no one gets hurt.