The Ka-Tet Cantina 3

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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Sounds like my morning NN. Tripped walking downstairs of GF's townhouse, almost impaled myself on baby gate. Tripped again walking out to truck over front step while trying to sling my backpack over my shoulder, apparently I can't walk and do that at the same time, then Sonic's debit card reader was down and I had no cash.....It has to be 5'o clock somewhere doesn't it? Happy Friday and weekend to ya' NN....
What did I tell you about tripping into things?


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
workday is over! T he Great Holiday can begin!! You probably wonder what i'm babbling about but on tuesday, the 6,th of June, it is Swedens national day. Noones working then so i thought why not take a vacation day monday and get a nice 4-day long holiday. So i did and it was approved and now i dont have to think about work until wednesday. Nice!!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
workday is over! T he Great Holiday can begin!! You probably wonder what i'm babbling about but on tuesday, the 6,th of June, it is Swedens national day. Noones working then so i thought why not take a vacation day monday and get a nice 4-day long holiday. So i did and it was approved and now i dont have to think about work until wednesday. Nice!!
Enjoy the long weekend!


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
Have a good weekend everyone!!

My arm and hand are doing better, the antibiotic really helped. I took the last pill yesterday. I was also able to go back to work on Monday so that was a good thing too.

Been a busy week for me. Have had so much to do after work.

But TGIF and I have this weekend to rest and have some fun maybe.

Juho's summer vacation started today and he is off from work 4 weeks. Hopefully I get a permanent job soon and are also able to enjoy summer vacation next year. This summer I work.

Have a fabulous Friday and take care, stay safe!!

(((all in need or not)))


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I got a teeny filling today..apparently I chipped some enamel off and left myself with a sensitive spot that needed reinforcement. Also got fitted for a new night-guard, which meant enduring the tray of goo that they stick to your teeth to take impressions. Does anyone else grind their teeth a lot? I do it in my sleep, but also sometimes during the day if I'm not mindful of it or am stressed. It's such a terrible habit, and I've been trying to break it for years. It's a viscious cycle: the more I worry about the damage I am doing to my teeth, the more stressed I get, and the more I clench my jaw. Oh, well.

Kurben, sorry to hear that you had a tough time at the dentist! I hope your tooth is able to be fixed very soon!

Neesy I'm glad to hear that you are liking your new job. The perk of getting more exercise is definitely a plus! I wish my job could involve a bit of walking, I sure could use it!
How's the filling? Hope it was not too painful :anonymous::adoration:


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Happy Hump Day!

This morning I was inspired with a new idea for a Stephen King novel called "The Dark Shower." It's what happens when your significant other was too lazy to replace the dead bathroom light bulb the night before, and you have to get ready for work first the next day. :baffle:

Would buy it Instantly (The Dark Shower)

Another Idea is "The Sock Gobbler"

Washing Machines from outer Space, invading Earth, stealing just one Sock
with every Wash Cycle.

Black, White, Grey Socks, the are all gone, ...into a Alternative Universe ??


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
(((all in need or not)))


Getting older and balder
May 9, 2007
Back to work tomorrow. I took last week off to attend our daughter's graduation from college (Linfield College. McMinnville, Oregon).Our son took ten days leave and for a few days the family was back together. Oh and I finally decided it was time. So I read The Gunslinger during that trip and I'm now half-way through The Drawing of the Three. Can you believe that I've never actually read the Darktower books? Oh sure I know what happens, but I've never just read them. Well that's going to change. I might just spend the $80.00 and buy the boxed set on Amazon.

cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Busy busy here. I ended up making 2 cakes for Brandon's party. The first one was a total fail! It went together nice, was straight when I started frosting it but by the time I was done, it looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Only worse. ;-D

Marti said it was fine but I stewed over it and decided to start over. I used whipped cream on top instead of frosting the second time, just to make it lighter. And used dowels, which I skipped the first time because all the cakes baked nice and they set together nice and flat, I thought the frosting would be enough glue to hold them in place. But I was wrong!! Here is the finished 2nd cake...

2017-06-05 10.11.29.jpg

(I resized it so hope it is ok)

Anyway, not a perfect effort. But much better than my first one. And it seemed to be a hit. Everyone liked it, and they loved eating it, there is none left. Haha. Had to use a piece of the dowel to hold the handle up, too, the fondant did not harden even though I had it in the fridge overnight.

I'm beat today! Not planning on doing a whole lot.

Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! :love_heart:


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Busy busy here. I ended up making 2 cakes for Brandon's party. The first one was a total fail! It went together nice, was straight when I started frosting it but by the time I was done, it looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Only worse. ;-D

Marti said it was fine but I stewed over it and decided to start over. I used whipped cream on top instead of frosting the second time, just to make it lighter. And used dowels, which I skipped the first time because all the cakes baked nice and they set together nice and flat, I thought the frosting would be enough glue to hold them in place. But I was wrong!! Here is the finished 2nd cake...

View attachment 21306

(I resized it so hope it is ok)

Anyway, not a perfect effort. But much better than my first one. And it seemed to be a hit. Everyone liked it, and they loved eating it, there is none left. Haha. Had to use a piece of the dowel to hold the handle up, too, the fondant did not harden even though I had it in the fridge overnight.

I'm beat today! Not planning on doing a whole lot.

Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! :love_heart:
Excellent job! I knew you could do it. ;-D
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