Bieber Busted!!

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Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
...I did take a real good look at myself thanks, and my world is wildly youngest son is "troubled" as well...he's into pot pretty heavy, thank the White it's nothing heavier...but he's just shy of turning 18, and without resorting to more legal action and possibly physical confrontation-I have arrived at middle ground with him. He is aware of the risk he's running, and I've told him as much-but he's agreed to stay out of trouble otherwise, and I will accept him at his word, and not go to "Johnny Law". It's far from an elegant compromise, but it's the best I've got in MY world. So, yeah, I'm going to judge others Shasta-I feel that photo is nothing more than a shameless attempt to manipulate the media and public opinion. I raised my son's properly, and with love-sometimes tough love. They were model kids when younger, but as they got older-oddly enough they developed their own thoughts, plans, wants, desires and dreams...Tracy and I gave them a proper start, but can't forever pull the know I have been blunt and hurt about my kid's actions-hell, I've put it out here often enough-but I never felt that what I did amongst friends was anywhere near the level of cheapjack manipulation Bieber's parents are either purposely or unconsciously putting out there...he's damn near 20 years old, so "little boy" I'm not buying...they can't help but see the path he's been heading down, and as much as you want to always protect them as parents-they will willfully disregard most everything you say after a certain age, if it doesn't fit with their current that point, you just pray and let em I CAN look at myself in the mirror and know I did the best I could...warts and all...
I agree. He's not just any dad posting a "aren't my kids cute" picture. He knows that it's going to be seen by millions and likely picked apart for the content and motivation. Beebs isn't some poor, lost little soul who's visiting mommy and daddy. He's not some college student or soldier returning home from war. He's a butt-head that got bailed out of jail. This is a dad, let's not forget, that helped set up the drag race in the first place. And a mom that gave her kid pills. So we're not talking about parents of the year, here. All things considered, I don't blame anybody for questioning his thought process.

Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
At 20, I'd been working for 4 years and served as a part-time soldier for around 2. Even at 13/14, I made mistakes and, yes, they were oftentimes stupid, but I didn't act like such a jerk even then.
Still and all, at 20 he's a man grown. It wasn't really that long ago that men younger than him were away in Vietnam (taking a US perspective) or, going back a generation more, fighting in the Pacific or European theatres of WWII.
The bloke needs to give his head a wobble (as do his parents, it seems).

Anyhoo, it's about time he got done for assault, isn't it? He's been battering people's earholes for years. In fact, he should be tried for crimes against humanity! (joke...ish)


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
Because the GPS says he didn't go over 44 mph? I think a Lamborghini idles faster than that. LOL!
All that means is that he sucks at drag racing as much as he sucks at everything else.

According to all accounts, he never said he wasn't racing when they pulled him over. He was just worried about how to beat the breathalyzer test.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
So why is it so easy for you to judge someone who is likely going through the same thing? Why is taking a picture a manipulation? have taken my post the wrong direction ma'am...I am not judging the parents because of the trials and tribulations he's caused them, or their faults-EXCEPT for the fact they posted what I feel is a highly suspect pic, and I also feel he IS a punk-my son is a punk, and if he gets caught up in his dealings, he will have to face these on his own, with no blatantly ridiculous media manipulation...I can see exactly where you're coming from, I just don't agree with it, and don't expect you to agree with me....just know I'm still you're friend and love you much!...


fuzzy math using a gps..of course,any unauthorized "drag race" is usually decided in the first few seconds on the street,then they back down,specifically to avoid police attention..maybe people should just ignore the kid has an obvious problem,admittedly smoking and taking prescription drugs while "daddy" is watching out for him..nah,just keep making excuses for him and let him continue on his apparent downward trend..:glare:


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
If you have that much money, why not just buy a ranch facing the Rocky Mountains somewhere in Wyoming or Montana and call it good? Let the media storm blow over while you take up fly fishing or some other hobby that doesn't land your picture on the front page of every website and printed journal in the free world. Why be such an attention hound?