Bring the Magic of Christmas back to Scott and Tracy

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Agincourt Concierge

Far and Away Member
Sep 10, 2008
the Wastelands
...and now the second son has become disenchanted with us and left!...he stuck his nose into his brother's situation without asking us, and when we confronted him about it-he got pissed and walked out....give me strength!!!!!!....I just wish these boys would learn what the words "personal responsibility" and "respect" truly meant...apparently my name is Job these days, but I'm the least patient person that's ever staggered across this big ball of mud...just keep the good thoughts coming-because quite frankly, it's the only thing that's keeping me afloat and a rock for Tracy...
Ha ! You seem to share that name with Teddy .... (Job) ....


Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
i have been thinking of you all weekend. Sorry to hear that your other son is adding to the stress. We love you guys and wish you peace and grace!


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Maybe you need to whisk her off for a couple of days, just the two of you, and use THEIR Christmas money to do it. Swanky hotel, massages, candlelight dinners.... pretend you don't have kids for a couple of days. I'd be just as mean as they are being. Oh, that's a lovely thought, but likely would make it worse.

...I did get her out of the house for a bit yesterday...took her and got her hair trimmed up, out to dinner-just stuff that didn't focus on the drama...
That is the spirit GntlGnt - I am sure she appreciated it, too!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Scott and Tracy. I'm so sorry to hear about your estrangement. These kids know the tenderest places of our hearts and they poke and jab at them until they are so bruised, you think they're never going to heal. But, I'm hoping and praying that your little apple didn't fall too far from it's parental trees and will make his way full circle back to you. He's on a journey with lessons to learn. He will.

Roots are strong. They will call to him again in time. Hugs to you guys this Christmas and always.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2010
North Dakota
You were the first person to reach out to me on this board and one of the main reasons why it is like a second home to me now. I've often visited your "Big Threads" for a smile on a hard day-this board got me through some tough times. Kinda like you, I gravitate toward the funny stuff to forget the muck and mire in life. You are valued and appreciated so much-I realize I'm repeating what so many have previously stated. I tried to respond to this thread this morning, but couldn't complete my post because I was overwhelmed by how much I wanted to reach out to you and your family, to somehow write something that would stand out in these pages of love and support. You, sir, are a gift to us here in SKMB land and somehow the kindness you've shown others will come back to bless you! Don't lose faith. We all could use reminding-this is a season of miracles!!


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
Scott, I hope my son is not as head strong as I was when he gets up into the teen years but I hear karma is a bitch, so I'm sure I'll get mine. Here's hoping both your sons come around and realize what's at stake. Youth seems to have a problem contemplating long term ramifications of its current actions.