Disney is going for some controversy with new Beauty & Beast movie

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Well, seeing as how there hasn't been anything like this in a 'Disney' movie (The Birdcage doesn't count here), it is something worth mentioning. I, too, long for the day when there isn't a label put in front of a character or person i.e. a black person, an Asian person, a gay person, etc. We're all people, right? ;-D
....wait....you're a black Asian gay man??????.......:biggrin-new:....

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
Apparently there is some good reason for Disney to use this movie as their platform for a "first gay character". I read this yesterday.
The original 'Beauty and the Beast' cartoon was a metaphor for AIDS - AOL Entertainment
Why can't a kid's movie just be a movie, for crying out loud. That's part of what I was saying before. Why does everything these days have to be a platform for someone's agenda? Again, I understand the need to educate people about issues, but there's a time and place.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
And so it begins..........
CBS NEWS March 4, 2017, 12:21 PM
Alabama drive-in won't show "Beauty and the Beast" due to gay character

The director of Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” re-boot announced this week the movie will feature a gay character. Because of that, owners of Henagar Drive-In Theatre in rural Alabama say they will not show the movie.

The reason given? Religion. The theater’s owners say they’re just putting their faith first, reports CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil.

“This by no means is sending a message of hatred or bigotry. However, we are Christians first and foremost and must adhere to our Bible and to our Christianity,” owner Carol Laney said.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, Laney said she won’t take her grandchildren to a movie with a gay character, let alone show it at her venue.

“As business owners, we take pride and caution in showing discernment in what we play at our drive-in,” Laney said.

The decision comes after the announcement this week from the film’s director, Bill Condon, promising what he calls an “exclusively gay moment.” The character in question: Gaston’s best friend, LeFou, played by Josh Gad.

“There is a moment in the film that is pretty subtle, that’s pretty wonderful, and I’m excited for people to see it and experience it for themselves,” Gad said.

“It’s never ever written in the script. As it was, director Bill Condon said it was never his intention for this character specifically to be gay,” “Entertainment Tonight” senior news editor Jennifer Peros said. “It’s just the way Josh had performed it and the way that he was acting in one scene that’s getting a lot of people to speculate: Do we have our first gay character in a Disney film?”

While the role is open to interpretation for some, the theater owner said the decision is clear.

“We respect the choice of others who choose to support other movie theaters by watching this movie. However, we hope that you respect our choice not to play it at our drive-in,” Laney said.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2011
And so it begins..........
CBS NEWS March 4, 2017, 12:21 PM
Alabama drive-in won't show "Beauty and the Beast" due to gay character

The director of Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” re-boot announced this week the movie will feature a gay character. Because of that, owners of Henagar Drive-In Theatre in rural Alabama say they will not show the movie.

The reason given? Religion. The theater’s owners say they’re just putting their faith first, reports CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil.

“This by no means is sending a message of hatred or bigotry. However, we are Christians first and foremost and must adhere to our Bible and to our Christianity,” owner Carol Laney said.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, Laney said she won’t take her grandchildren to a movie with a gay character, let alone show it at her venue.

“As business owners, we take pride and caution in showing discernment in what we play at our drive-in,” Laney said.

The decision comes after the announcement this week from the film’s director, Bill Condon, promising what he calls an “exclusively gay moment.” The character in question: Gaston’s best friend, LeFou, played by Josh Gad.

“There is a moment in the film that is pretty subtle, that’s pretty wonderful, and I’m excited for people to see it and experience it for themselves,” Gad said.

“It’s never ever written in the script. As it was, director Bill Condon said it was never his intention for this character specifically to be gay,” “Entertainment Tonight” senior news editor Jennifer Peros said. “It’s just the way Josh had performed it and the way that he was acting in one scene that’s getting a lot of people to speculate: Do we have our first gay character in a Disney film?”

While the role is open to interpretation for some, the theater owner said the decision is clear.

“We respect the choice of others who choose to support other movie theaters by watching this movie. However, we hope that you respect our choice not to play it at our drive-in,” Laney said.
I was going to share that yesterday but just felt too ashamed of my home state.


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
I went to their site and was quite cheered by the number of people who gave their business poor reviews due to their decision. You can see the reviews if you type in Henagar Drive-In in a Google search, then scroll down to read the Google reviews. I tried to post a link but it wouldn't work.

I would love to see a list of the movies they've shown before. People like this tend to pretend they have no hatred of gay people by hiding behind Christianity, but I bet they show movies with characters who are adulterers or drug users or violent people or who knows? Even characters who braid their hair or eat shrimp (the horror).

Next week they'll probably show 50 Shades of Grey and be fine with it.

The problem with Christians who "take a stand" against one thing is that they make themselves hypocrites by not taking a stand against ALL the biblical sins. You can't pick and choose. Either you believe the bible or you don't. However, you don't see them banning anything that is more generally accepted by most Christians. Throw a gay reference into a movie and NOW they're incensed.

Anduan Pirate Princess

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Rhode Island
I, too, long for the day when there isn't a label put in front of a character or person i.e. a black person, an Asian person, a gay person, etc. We're all people, right? ;-D
I couldn't agree more. I always cringe when I hear labels being thrown around on the news and such. I wouldn't want to always be prefaced with "white-female-Irish-Slovak-American." Who cares?

I also kind of wish it had just been allowed to happen instead of being announced. As it is still a fairy tale movie appropriate for young audiences as well as old, I'm sure whatever the big "moment" is, it's not going to be very, um, graphic, or anything, lol. And I'm also sure that it won't matter one way or another to a vast majority of the audience. There was a pretty obviously gay character in Frozen, too (Oaken), and look at what a blockbuster that was.

As a child of the 80s/90s who was obsessed with all the Disney Renaissance movies as they were first introduced, I was pretty skeptical about this remake (to quote Cogsworth in the original, "if it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"). However, I couldn't help getting caught up in the hype that has been building. The previews all look excellent, and I can't wait to see it. I don't mind LeFou's character being gay; it kind of makes sense. It's actually got me expanding upon the story in my head: what if Gaston was also gay, but tried to hide it by being an overachieving, narcissistic womanizer? Hmmm...

César Hernández-Meraz

Wants to be Nick, ends up as Larry
May 19, 2015
Aguascalientes, Mexico
It's actually got me expanding upon the story in my head: what if Gaston was also gay, but tried to hide it by being an overachieving, narcissistic womanizer? Hmmm...

Or he could be so narcissistic that he does not mind where the flattery comes from. As long as someone thinks he is the best thing, he does not care if they are male or female, young or old, ugly or not so ugly (as he is the only good-looking one who matters).

I know people like that in real life.

Anduan Pirate Princess

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Rhode Island
Or he could be so narcissistic that he does not mind where the flattery comes from. As long as someone thinks he is the best thing, he does not care if they are male or female, young or old, ugly or not so ugly (as he is the only good-looking one who matters).

I know people like that in real life.
Oh, yes, me too! And certainly, I didn't mean that he must be acting like that because of being gay, but just that maybe he would be in such deep denial about it, living in a small town that expected him to be such a perfect "manly man," that his personality ended up being crazy and over-the-top. To think, instead of ending up dead, he could've just married Le Fou and everyone would live happily ever after. :okay:


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
Is this actually intended as a "children's" movie?

Seems the vocal objection is that a gay scene is being " forced" onto children. But the way Emma was (almost) dressed to promote the movie didn't look very child friendly. Well...unless the children are very young and hungry, if you know what I mean. ;)

Please don't misunderstand. I do not object to what she was wearing. It just did not look like something appropriate for a "children's" movie tour.

I also don't object to a character in a Disney movie being gay. A kiss is fine. I don't think children need to be exposed to scenes beyond kissing, whether gay or hetero, but kissing, holding hands, showing love, is fine.