I Am Angry Today Because . . .

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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Just watched an axe throwing show, and the presenter kept referring to Native Americans as 'Red Indians'!!! Where's he been for the last 30 years?
That guy should come to Winnipeg - the aboriginals here will set him straight!
We have a thriving First Nations community here and they recently celebrated Aboriginal Day Live at the Forks - it was a great show!


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Angry about work and the 1950's attitude they have.

As most of you know, I work in engineering. Myself and two other guys and the tech writer in the same area. Me and the two other guys have the same job title and do the same work.

Hr guy come strolling over and hands envelopes to the three of them. not me.
huh? And starts a speach. I look I roll my chair to be included. 'No, this does not concern you" what? I hear him talking. He is giving out money for safety shoes to them.

I am getting pissed. Roll my chair back out and interrupted him.

"Excuse me - Why am I not getting safety shoes?" (i'm a girl, see) Some lame answer. Will speak to my boss tomorrow. I go out to the shops, same as them.

(I have frigging safety shoes. I have safety glasses, I have earplugs, hardhats - still in my trunk - and tyvec suits from last job. (hell, all my jobs) I climbed in and around major heavy dangerous equipment that makes this place look like a donut making store - bastids.)

Co-worker actually said, "they don't make stiletto steel tips".

Everyone scream with me.
That is incredible! Set them straight and try to bring them into the 21st century please - you should get the same benefits as the men do, for doing the same job


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
That should have said 'sight' not site.
No, DJ, he didn't. If he was in such a hurry, he should have left home earlier.
Then as Larry was backing out of the parking lot, some woman almost hit us because she never looked behind her to see us. Man, do I hate tourist season! Larry was laying on the horn, and someone next to the woman yelled at her to stop.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
That should have said 'sight' not site.
No, DJ, he didn't. If he was in such a hurry, he should have left home earlier.
Then as Larry was backing out of the parking lot, some woman almost hit us because she never looked behind her to see us. Man, do I hate tourist season! Larry was laying on the horn, and someone next to the woman yelled at her to stop.
Rude people. I don't care for rude people.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012

We live in a area where people don't have a lot of personal space. Back yards are small, houses are all attached.

Someone is burning something. Three nights in a row. Smells like burning wood, but not like in a fire-place....and who burns wood in a fire-place during a heat wave anyway? There are no yards big enough for a fire pit and there are a lot of trees in the area...no yards far enough from trees to light an outside fire.

My house smells of fire. My throat is raw from coughing (though I do not see smoke).

Last night I went out trying to find who is doing it. We had assumed is the @$$ a few doors down. He has a horse sized dog that barks non-stop. He got in trouble over that happening every night, then started riding his full sized motorcycle through the walkways (riding it, not walking it) at all hours of the day and night and parking it on the sidewalk leading up to his house. I assume he got in trouble for that too as we notice he stopped. So, we assumed burning cr@p in his yard sounds like something he'd do. But the smell didn't seem to be coming from his place.

Last night there was a bit of a breeze so we had front and back doors open. Had to shut them and turn the AC on.


Just one more chapter...
Jul 14, 2015
More frustrated than angry, but here goes.
Kiddo goes to "camp" every July. It's only 4 mornings a week but it's mostly fun activities and it gives him a break from us (and vice versa).
This year it starts Tuesday. Every year the driver waits until the last minute to call with pick up times (always a different driver). I've contacted the camp teacher, who contacted the supervisor, so they are aware of this, but it drives me nuts that I probably won't know until Monday night what time I have to get kiddo up on Tuesday.

Still no call.
Camp starts in 14.5 hours.
At what point do I call the teacher (only contact I have for summer program) and let him know the driver hasn't called yet?


Just one more chapter...
Jul 14, 2015
Texted teacher to make him aware (again) of driver not calling. He spoke to supervisor and apparently they can't get in touch with the driver so I "should have him ready by 7:00 because the kid before him is getting picked up at 6:40".
It's not the teacher's fault that the driver is being an ignorant ass.
I am so frustrated. If this driver doesn't show tomorrow, they better find a different driver by Wednesday because I am the absolute nicest, most polite lady you will ever meet...unless you eff with my kids.


Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013
I'm still a bit angry from yesterday when I was walking down the street and this elderly man who was walking with a stroller/walker got bumped by a young woman doing her power walking routine while looking at what she had on her mobile phone. Bumped into him, looked at him like 'what you gettin in my way you old fart' and then continued walking off.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I'm still a bit angry from yesterday when I was walking down the street and this elderly man who was walking with a stroller/walker got bumped by a young woman doing her power walking routine while looking at what she had on her mobile phone. Bumped into him, looked at him like 'what you gettin in my way you old fart' and then continued walking off.

And at some point, within her life, she may be in the same situation and karma will be pay back! Hope the elder man was ok. Thank you for caring.


Just one more chapter...
Jul 14, 2015
Bus never came.
Another wonderfully awesome mom offered to drive kiddo, but by that time he was in nonstop full meltdown mode. Hubby took the morning off from work and we drove him ourselves and we'll have to pick him up too. Better be straightened out by morning!
Only positive thing was he seemed a bit more calm once he went off with the staff. Fingers crossed!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Bus never came.
Another wonderfully awesome mom offered to drive kiddo, but by that time he was in nonstop full meltdown mode. Hubby took the morning off from work and we drove him ourselves and we'll have to pick him up too. Better be straightened out by morning!
Only positive thing was he seemed a bit more calm once he went off with the staff. Fingers crossed!
Sounds like there needs to be a face to face with those providing the camp, the parents and that bus drive. Totally unacceptable to have no pre planned pick up schedule.


Just one more chapter...
Jul 14, 2015
Sounds like there needs to be a face to face with those providing the camp, the parents and that bus drive. Totally unacceptable to have no pre planned pick up schedule.

It seems as though the kids in our area weren't put on the transportation schedule. Not sure why.
The camp supervisors are actually really great, but have little to do with the transportation directors.
We have problems EVERY year with transportation.

Have to leave in an hour to go get him. So I can't get to laundromat today and we only have 3 bath towels left. Ugh.

cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Not angry but very, very sad.

My local bookstore, Hastings (part of a chain, kind of a one stop shop entertainment place, books, movies, music, video games) declared bankruptcy a month or so ago.

Just found out all stores are to be liquidated by October 31.


Now I will have to buy all my SK books (and all books) through Amazon. No more special trips to pick out my copy.

What a #$@**& year this has been.

king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
Not angry but very, very sad.

My local bookstore, Hastings (part of a chain, kind of a one stop shop entertainment place, books, movies, music, video games) declared bankruptcy a month or so ago.

Just found out all stores are to be liquidated by October 31.


Now I will have to buy all my SK books (and all books) through Amazon. No more special trips to pick out my copy.

What a #$@**& year this has been.

That is heart breaking