What scares you?

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Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
When you think about it it's probably not really the height that is the fear, it's falling and what happens on the landing if you do. In an airplane you're surrounded and should feel less likely to fall out of it. Just like in an elevator, you can be pretty high but the chances you're going to fall out of that are pretty slim.
I believe you’re correct. I have no problem being in a tall building (even one built by Trump ;)) and not be afraid. But I can’t be near an open window in one, or on a balcony or roof.

Astral Light

Jan 17, 2016
Fear of own dead or dead of the ones you love is pretty common, but on the other site: fear of not dying (not being able to die). Being kidnapped and force-fed to live in suffering, or some curse that removes the possibility of dying. Don't get me wrong, I love to live, but the idea that there comes a day of eternal rest feels like a relieve.


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.


Shadow people

I don't mind being on top of a mountain, and can even walk close to edge of drops. If I'm on horseback, however, I dismount. I don't trust anything but my own two feet when it comes to heights. Airplanes? White knuckle ride the whole way. Glass elevators? Nope. Gondoliers? HA! Roller coasters, bungee jumping, or Ferris wheels? No no and no.
But climbing trees, boulders, or mountains? No problem whatsoever. Even if I get stuck, I figure out a way down. Granted, I'm used to the terrain around here. No telling how I'd be in the Rockies. ;;D

Losing my husband.

Losing my son.


Going insane.

People. Definitely scared of those.

Certain bugs, like cicadas, black widows, tarantulas, and June bugs.

The end times as described in Revelation.


Surgery. Ohmygod.