How was your Halloween?

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All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
Hey - don't feel bad - to some it's just another day.

Normally I get all excited and decorate, make Halloween cookies and so on.

Guess I am just a bit bummed out due to maybe getting bumped or having to go through a layoff at work. I'm kind of in a holding pattern at the moment - maybe I need to go to the gym for a good hard workout to make myself feel better! (need more endorphins)
Sorry to hear, Neesy. I feel your pain.


Jun 23, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I gave out 4 kinds of candy, giant Mr. Freezies (Not frozen) and pencils. I let the kids pick what they wanted. Surprising how many kids were thrilled to have a Mr, Freezie.

This one man who was taking his 2 1/2 year old daughter said that last year he had her in a stroller while he took her cousins out trick or treating. He remembered that I had baby biscuits and gave her one. They were individually wrapped for freshness, but I figured that made them safe to give out too. He was so appreciative, then and now. Said I gave her her first ever treat. It was just so nice.

There was what I initially thought was 3 adults coming to my door. All were dressed up, but when they got close I could see, mom, dad, and son about twentyish. Mom was carrying the bag. Dad was turning son to face me. Dad picked son’s hand and started him waving, then let go and son continued waving. I waved back. Son got excited and started jumping from one foot to the other. Parents smiled...whole family was having so much fun.

One little guy came to my door. No costume. Little guy about 5. I hand him a candy and he runs back to his mom and she says “people are just giving away candy.” Laughs “I love Canada”.

I would guess well over 300 kids. These were the 3 best.
Cool story. Thanks.


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008




Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2017
I took the night off this year. But since I work tomorrow I got to stay up all night. Since I live in poor side of town all the kids go to the nice side. My son to. So I buy small bag just in case peanut fee. Since my son can't have peanuts he just dose the switch from the stash. then I hit the store first thing for the 50% off candy for myself. Also watching the return of the living dead...from the 80s. The really old cheesy one :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
A few years back (okay maybe it was in the 90s) someone at work suggested they should make it a law or bylaw that you could only give out peanut free treats.

Well, my son is allergic to peanut products (but not severely so) i.e. I could eat a peanut butter sandwich near him and he would not get sick, but I just had to pipe up:

I don't agree - basically it is just people going door to door begging, so I think they should just take whatever they get and sort it out later :ambivalence:

Over the years I’ve had a couple kids politely ask if any of my treats were free of their allergen. They did not want to be given something that could either make them ill or kill them. Nothing wrong with that. Saves them disappointment at home, and means more candy for other kids instead of them throwing it out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
My son is also allergic to peanuts. I would let him trick or treat, and when he got home, I would just confiscate that bag and replace it with a bag of treats that I had prepared ahead of time just for him. He still got to have the fun, and he got treats.

What do you do with the candy you confiscate? I’m hoping you either eat it or donate it somewhere.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I didn't feel like going out to do the Trick or Treat thing this year, but I agreed that the kiddo could dress up and hand out lollies to other trick or treaters. We got a lot this year and he had a ball. Word was getting around (not as many people doing this anymore) and we had carloads turn up, it was quite funny.