I Am Angry Today Because . . .

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
I am furious with my cell phone company. I am not naming them because there may end up being legal action....not sure who would initiate.

Cell phone charges here are really expensive. We do not have any data on our plans. We have limited talk, unlimited text, and we use wifi. The plans "say" we have free texting pictures, but we do not. To send a picture we must first turn on data. As soon as we do that *BOOM* $7.50 (+ tax) charge for 0.00 data used. They "say" something must have updated....but my phone tells me when something is updating.

OK fine. Whatever! No texting pictures. I wait until there is wifi and I send by email.

Last year they suddenly started charging me $7.50 (+tax) for randomly turning on data in the middle of the night and doing.....nothing. I can barely turn data on when I'm awake, there is NO FREAKING WAY I am doing it in my sleep. So, we told them to turn the data off. Completely off. No access what-so-ever.

And about 4 months later....$7.50 (+tax) charge on my son's phone for 0.00 data usage. DH called told them is is absolutely bogus and turn the data off on this phone too. She argues that data was not ever turned off on my phone. He takes a few deep breaths and tells her to turn data off on both phones.

One month later....$7.50 (+tax) charged on MY phone for 0.00 data usage. He calls, CSR argues. He tells her to look up previous phone recording. She agrees to credit our account, and we will now be charged $1 per month per phone to have data turned off. By the end of the call she agreed it would not be charged.

He also asked when the contract is up.

I have dug up the contract and I will likely be contacting the CRTC soon. If they are doing this to us, I suspect they are doing it to others.

And so it continues. They did charge us $1 per month.

First CSR hung up on my husband. I was in the room. My husband asked to speak to a supervisor. He was polite, did not raise his voice, did not swear. Just refused to speak to a CSR that didn't seem to really know what he was talking about. (He was guessing what the charge was for...literally guessing.)

DH called back and said his call was dropped. Apparently, there are two different data blocks. A soft and a hard. The soft is free, but we are being charged because we switched to a hard block. (Last call, there was no discussion of soft & hard. Just a data block.)

Our cell company sends through text messages to us. Sometimes it turns off a soft block...but it's not supposed to do that. But apparently it does. So they think it is reasonable to charge us to put a hard block....to block them from turning our data back on. Are you effing kidding me??

So...again crediting the $1. Leaving the hard data block and not charging us.

Did I say....I hate this company?


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
A Man hits a group of People, with his Car today
Two Girls, one !! and four !! years old died.

Bystanders, had nothing better to do, than Filming this Scenario with their Smart Phones.
These People are pissin me off.
A couple of lines from Cold Mountain keep coming back to me, over and over, when I hear about the increasing numbers of events like this: "This world won't stand long. God won't let it stand this way long."

Not sure abut the 'God' part, but it just feels right otherwise.


Token lunatic
Feb 15, 2008
Somewhere over the rainbow
I have reached that phase in diets when the scale seems stuck,
When it feels like all your dietary options suck...
No more soda, ice cream, bread and butter, pasta, fudge -
Yet, despite your sacrifices, stupid scale won't budge.
I might have to exercise to get off this plateau,
But I'm so far out of shape I have take it slow.
I found my Jane Fonda workout from the days of yore,
Put it on our smart TV and cleared space on the floor...
15 minutes into it and I was out of breath.
Had to quit before I exercised myself to death.
Maybe I'll try yoga, although, flexible, I'm not.
Still, it is a place to start and might be worth a shot.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I have reached that phase in diets when the scale seems stuck,
When it feels like all your dietary options suck...
No more soda, ice cream, bread and butter, pasta, fudge -
Yet, despite your sacrifices, stupid scale won't budge.
I might have to exercise to get off this plateau,
But I'm so far out of shape I have take it slow.
I found my Jane Fonda workout from the days of yore,
Put it on our smart TV and cleared space on the floor...
15 minutes into it and I was out of breath.
Had to quit before I exercised myself to death.
Maybe I'll try yoga, although, flexible, I'm not.
Still, it is a place to start and might be worth a shot.
Yoga is a gentle exercise for mind, body, and spirit. Walking is also good (however in states like Fl one tends to get very wet!)
Can you find a gentle yoga tape/ or class? Flexibility will come in time.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Math 2 just about killed my daughter's GPA last year. I contacted her counselor to ask about switching to Business Math for the upcoming year. I was told that there will not be any schedule changes and that Math 3 is required for graduation as well as required for admission to a 4 year college.
So, are they saying that a 4 year college would rather accept a student who makes a D in a Math course that they'll never ever use in life instead of accepting a student who makes an A or a B in a practical Math course?


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Math 2 just about killed my daughter's GPA last year. I contacted her counselor to ask about switching to Business Math for the upcoming year. I was told that there will not be any schedule changes and that Math 3 is required for graduation as well as required for admission to a 4 year college.
So, are they saying that a 4 year college would rather accept a student who makes a D in a Math course that they'll never ever use in life instead of accepting a student who makes an A or a B in a practical Math course?
Yes! :facepalm_smiley: However, there is a trend on making "life math courses" required. You know, so students know about balancing a ck book, using a credit card, saving instead of spending. Not sure the reference to Math 2, 3, 4 ( possibly Algebra, Geometry, Trig?). Does the school offer volunteer tutors? If required, as was in my HS years, then the school should be responsible for supplying needed aide to students. Grade point should not suffer.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Yes! :facepalm_smiley: However, there is a trend on making "life math courses" required. You know, so students know about balancing a ck book, using a credit card, saving instead of spending. Not sure the reference to Math 2, 3, 4 ( possibly Algebra, Geometry, Trig?). Does the school offer volunteer tutors? If required, as was in my HS years, then the school should be responsible for supplying needed aide to students. Grade point should not suffer.
Yes, Math 1 is Algebra, Math 2 is Geometry, and Math 3 is advanced Algebra. I always laugh at these being the required courses because most students aren't going to be engineers.....my child wants to sing and dance.
They actually get to choose the 4th Math course their senior year.
I hope they have volunteer tutors.....I sure can't help her.....I'm a hairstylist, and I took all business courses :laugh: