Why is this still going on?

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Nov 8, 2010
Under your bed
If you're willing to brave the walmartians, the Firestick goes for $40. I can watch every episode & both movies! I have the dvds. :) It's just that g-d awful opening the case, pulling the disc from it's den without snapping it in two, gingerly rodgering said disc onto the frail plastic gizmo on your player, then later going thru the whole process backwards -- and forwarding thru the crummy previews, ads & menus you get with a dvd has become anathema to me. I won't do it anymore!

I always forget to rewind em.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I always forget to rewind em.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I didn't weigh-in on this thread when it was fresh because, I'm one of these people that loved to watch Miss Universe for one thing:

The Outfits.

Didn't care for anything else, didn't really care who won. But I love their national outfits. And 2017 has proven to be an interesting group of national outfits. From Romania's sexy vampire, to the U.S.A. being a science project, my favorite goes to Myanmar. Wow. That is a lot of outfit.


See the rest of them here:


Oh, wait. That link is just a few. Here is a complete one I think.

Miss Universe 2017 National Costumes
Last edited:


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
I didn't weigh-in on this thread when it was fresh because, I'm one of these people that loved to watch Miss Universe for one thing:

The Outfits.

Didn't care for anything else, didn't really care who won. But I love their national outfits. And 2017 has proven to be an interesting group of national outfits. From Romania's sexy vampire, to the U.S.A. being a science project, my favorite goes to Myanmar. Wow. That is a lot of outfit.


See the rest of them here:


Oh, wait. That link is just a few. Here is a complete one I think.

Miss Universe 2017 National Costumes
The national costumes are great. It’s like watching a super hot Mummers parade. I tune in to see the outfits over the bathing suit competition.