Revival Officially Announced

Posted: February 12th, 2014 9:00:27 am

We now have permission to officially announce the release of the novel, Revival, which will be published by Scribner and Hodder & Stoughton on November 11, 2014.

In a small New England town, over half a century ago, a shadow falls over a small boy playing with his toy soldiers. Jamie Morton looks up to see a striking man, the new minister. Charles Jacobs, along with his beautiful wife, will transform the local church. The men and boys are all a bit in love with Mrs. Jacobs; the women and girls feel the same about Reverend Jacobs—including Jamie’s mother and beloved sister, Claire. With Jamie, the Reverend shares a deeper bond based on a secret obsession. When tragedy strikes the Jacobs family, this charismatic preacher curses God, mocks all religious belief, and is banished from the shocked town.
Jamie has demons of his own. Wed to his guitar from the age of 13, he plays in bands across the country, living the nomadic lifestyle of bar-band rock and roll while fleeing from his family’s horrific loss. In his mid-thirties—addicted to heroin, stranded, desperate—Jamie meets Charles Jacobs again, with profound consequences for both men. Their bond becomes a pact beyond even the Devil’s devising, and Jamie discovers that revival has many meanings.

Twitter Apology

Posted: February 4th, 2014 8:26:44 pm

Those of you who follow Twitter will know that recently I managed to put my foot in my mouth and halfway down my throat. A good many people came away from my tweet about the Woody Allen controversy with the idea that I had called Dylan Farrow or Mia Farrow (or both) a bitch. That wasn’t my intention, but the conclusion on the part of some readers is understandable. I used the wrong word to describe not Ms. Farrow—either Ms. Farrow—but a sad and painful mess. Some people seem to believe that writers never use the wrong word, but any editor can tell you that’s not true.

            Those of you who have read my work—Carrie, Dolores Claiborne, Rose Madder, and Lisey’s Story, to name four—will know that I have plenty of respect for women, and care about the problems and life-situations they face. My single-mom mother faced plenty, believe me. And I have no sympathy whatever for those who abuse children. I wrote about such abuse—and its ultimate cost to the victim—in Gerald’s Game.

            The maximum number of letters in a Tweet is 140. I think the following would fit: I apologize for screwing up.

Just know my heart is where it’s always been: in the right place.


Doctor Sleep audiobook excerpt exclusive

Posted: January 28th, 2014 1:05:24 pm

If you haven't listened to the audiobook version of Doctor Sleep, here's your opportunity to enjoy an excerpt that is being made available exclusively on

Listen here

Joyland to be released as eBook and mass market paperback

Posted: January 27th, 2014 8:54:10 am

Hard Case Crime announced on January 27th that it will be releasing JOYLAND as an e-book edition in April 2014 and a "mass market" paperback format on May 27, 2014.

Read more here


Hard Listening Sweepstakes

Posted: January 2nd, 2014 9:00:00 am

(THIS SWEEPSTAKES IS NOW CLOSED) Five people will be chosen at random to receive a poster of Hard Listening autographed by Stephen and the authors of the Rock Bottom Remainders. Seven additional runners-up will be chosen to receive a Rock Bottom Remainders hat.

This sweepstakes is sponsored by Coliloquy and is limited to US residents only. Enter now!

More info

Official Rules


UTD on Google Zeitgeist List

Posted: December 17th, 2013 9:36:57 am

UTD was rated as #1 on the Global Zeitgeist trending list for TV Shows, Trending worldwide just released today.

Check it out here

Stephen on Twitter

Posted: December 6th, 2013 3:08:30 pm

Stephen now has an official Twitter account so don't be fooled by impostors! If you'd like to follow him, select @StephenKing. We were going for StephenKingAuthor but it was too many letters. Tweets may not be frequent as he still believes you'd rather read books than Tweets so he'll be spending more time writing the books--we hope you agree!

Doctor Sleep audiobook excerpt exclusive

Posted: November 26th, 2013 12:31:55 pm Exclusive! - New 17 Minute Downloadable Excerpt Now Available
Listen as Will Patton reads pages 75 - 86 in this excerpt from the Doctor Sleep audiobook.
Download MP3
More Information

Doctor Sleep Holiday Sweepstakes

Posted: November 26th, 2013 10:43:45 am

At we believe it’s best to give AND receive. So enter the Doctor Sleep Holiday Sweepstakes and capture the true essence of the season. 20 people will be chosen at random to receive a hardcover and an audiobook edition of Doctor Sleep—one to keep and one to give away—in addition to two promotional sleep masks.

160 additional runners-up will be chosen to receive a promotional sleep mask.

The Doctor Sleep Holiday Sweepstakes runs Tuesday, November 26th at 9am EST through Tuesday, December 3rd at 8:59am EST.

Happy holidays, and good luck!

Prizes are provided by Stephen's US publisher, and the sweepstakes is only open to US residents over 18. You can see the official rules at:

Enter Sweepstakes Now

CBC Interview

Posted: October 24th, 2013 12:50:19 pm

If you missed today's interview on CBC with Stephen and Owen King, you can listen to it at this link.

10/25/13: Now with video.