New Releases Coming in November

Posted: October 11th, 2007 12:55:06 pm

In November, two new stories by Stephen will be appearing--"Ayana," in the Fall issue of The Paris Review, and "Mute," in the December issue of Playboy.

American Short Stories Appearances

Posted: October 1st, 2007 12:53:52 pm

Stephen will be making two appearances in October to promote the publication of Best American Short Stories (2007) which he edited. He will be in New York on October 10th and in Boston on October 16th. For more information, please go to the web sites for each venue:

October 10th at Symphony Space, NYC

October 16th at Cambridge, MA

A message from Stephen

Posted: September 24th, 2007 12:52:47 pm

To Everyone,

Although I am trying to make the best of it, turning 60 is a bit of a bummer. Nevertheless, so many people who visit the web site have cheered me up with their greetings and good wishes. Not to mention all the people who contributed checks to The Haven Foundation to mark my passage into the golden city of Geezerdom! Thank you all! And now, please, can't we just forget the whole thing? From now on, I am going backwards. Next year I will be 59 and by 2017, I will be 50 again.

Love and best wishes to all you Constant Readers out there,

Steve King

Haven Foundation Press Release

Posted: September 19th, 2007 12:52:04 pm

The Haven Foundation's latest Press Release is now available on the Haven web site.

> Click here to view press release

The Mist Audiobook

Posted: August 1st, 2007 12:54:25 pm

Simon & Schuster Audiobooks announces its release of a fully dramatized 3-D cast recording audiobook of The Mist. Click Here for more details and for information.


Posted: July 16th, 2007 12:51:27 pm

Scribner has announced that the U.S. On-sale date for Duma Key will be January 22, 2008.

A message from Stephen regarding 1408

Posted: June 19th, 2007 12:41:30 pm

It's a pleasure to be able to recommend 1408, the Dimension Pictures adaptation of my story. It stars John Cusack and opens this Friday. This is a genuinely disquieting movie--the damn thing gets under your skin and just CRAWLS there. For one thing, what could be more terrifying than a man haunted by The Carpenters' "We've Only Just Begun?" I doubt if you'll hear much screaming in the theater (I could be wrong about that), but a lot of people are going to be sleeping with the lights on when it's over.


Marvel's Dark Tower #6 in stores July 5th

Posted: June 12th, 2007 12:40:37 pm

The end begins here with Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born #6, the penultimate chapter of the groundbreaking Marvel Comics limited series, adapting the classic Stephen King story. The Affiliation, a force of men gathered by Roland’s father, advance further into the Shaved Mountains, however unbeknownst to them, Farson and his Coffin Riders have lured them into a trap. Now, with Hambry’s oil powering the Old Ones’ weapons, the Affiliation stands to be wiped out unless Roland can get there in time. Writers Peter David and Robin Furth, and series artist Jae Lee and Richard Isanove bring you another issue of the acclaimed limited series that has the critics buzzing.

Richard George of says “I’m mesmerized,” and calls Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born a “masterpiece”.

Luke Paton of calls Jae Lee and Richard Isanove’s art “fantastic… Each panel is so meticulously detailed and beautifully rendered that you could just look at them all day.”

Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born #6 will also feature a stunning variant cover by Greg Land and fans can also expect to see more exclusive behind the scenes pages, as featured previous issues of Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born. For more info on Dark Tower, please visit and see Dark Tower like you’ve never seen it before!

> Click Here for the DT Release Log

A long story entitled “The Gingerbread Girl” will be the centerpiece of Esquire Magazine’s July issu

Posted: May 23rd, 2007 12:34:23 pm

In the emotional aftermath of her baby’s sudden death, Em starts running. Soon she runs from her husband, to the airport, down to the Florida Gulf and out to the loneliest stretch of Vermillion Key, where her father has offered the use of a conch shack he has kept there for years. Em keeps up her running—barefoot on the beach, sneakers on the road—and sees virtually no one. This is doing her all kinds of good, until one day she makes the mistake of looking into the driveway of a man named Pickering. Pickering also enjoys the privacy of Vermillion Key, but the young women he brings there suffer the consequences….

The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born Release Log

Posted: May 22nd, 2007 12:33:35 pm

Keep track of all the latest news on The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born series from Marvel. Our new Release Log includes press releases, cover art, links to online resources and other items of interest.

> Click Here for the Release Log