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Stephen will be on NPR's Talk of the Nation Wed. March 12th
Posted: March 10th, 2008 9:12:29 amSteve will be discussing Marvel's second Dark Tower comic series. Check your local listings for the time for your area.
Read the Press Release from Marvel
Find your local NPR Station
A message from Stephen...
Posted: December 13th, 2007 12:59:24 pmI had a great year and, as always, it starts with the people who read the books and have been so kind to me over the last 30 or so years that I have been making up stories. It was especially nice to hear from you this year because I turned 60 and finally had to kill my teddy bear. Just joking about the teddy bear, but it's a little traumatic and you guys helped to ease the pain. I hope you will all have a happy holiday season whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, or simply the imminent coming of Great Cthulhu. I hope that all of us will have a happy new year, that you will enjoy Duma Key, and that you vote for all the right candidates in November! Be well and be good to one another.
Steve King
The Mist Movie
Posted: November 14th, 2007 12:58:37 pmThe long-awaited film adaptation of THE MIST, directed by Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile) will be in theaters November 21st. If you haven’t read this story yet, or would like to refresh your memory, there is a new 3-D audiobook version as well as a paperback tie-in edition. See the links below for more information.
Click Here for more details and photos from the red-carpet premier in New York City.
UK Design Contest
Posted: November 14th, 2007 12:57:53 pmHodder & Stoughton, the UK publishers of Stephen King, are offering fans a unique opportunity to design the advertising for Stephen King's eagerly anticipated new novel Duma Key.
The winning designer will see their work in print on the London Underground and in city centres throughout the UK.
Click Here for more details.
The Dark Tower Hardcover Graphic Novel

The most anticipated collection of the year debuts Wednesday, November 7th, 2007, as the Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born Premiere HC arrives in stores, everywhere! Collecting all seven issues of the top-selling DarkTower: The Gunslinger Born comic series, this hardcover explores the past of Roland Deschain, hero of Stephen King's epic Dark Tower novels.
Written by New York Times best-selling author Peter David and Dark Tower expert Robin Furth, visualized stunningly by Jae Lee & Richard Isanove and overseen by the watchful eyes of Stephen King---this graphic novel is a must-have for Dark Tower fans new and old! Readers will peer into the explosively thrilling world of Stephen King's Dark Tower-filled with action, intrigue, adventure, and suspense!
Click Here for more details.
New Releases Coming in November
Posted: October 11th, 2007 12:55:06 pmIn November, two new stories by Stephen will be appearing--"Ayana," in the Fall issue of The Paris Review, and "Mute," in the December issue of Playboy.
American Short Stories Appearances
Posted: October 1st, 2007 12:53:52 pmStephen will be making two appearances in October to promote the publication of Best American Short Stories (2007) which he edited. He will be in New York on October 10th and in Boston on October 16th. For more information, please go to the web sites for each venue:
A message from Stephen
Posted: September 24th, 2007 12:52:47 pmTo Everyone,
Although I am trying to make the best of it, turning 60 is a bit of a bummer. Nevertheless, so many people who visit the web site have cheered me up with their greetings and good wishes. Not to mention all the people who contributed checks to The Haven Foundation to mark my passage into the golden city of Geezerdom! Thank you all! And now, please, can't we just forget the whole thing? From now on, I am going backwards. Next year I will be 59 and by 2017, I will be 50 again.
Love and best wishes to all you Constant Readers out there,
Steve King
Haven Foundation Press Release
Posted: September 19th, 2007 12:52:04 pmThe Haven Foundation's latest Press Release is now available on the Haven web site.
> Click here to view press release
The Mist Audiobook
Posted: August 1st, 2007 12:54:25 pmSimon & Schuster Audiobooks announces its release of a fully dramatized 3-D cast recording audiobook of The Mist. Click Here for more details and for information.